Chapter 7

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Your POV

It's been a few days since valentines day and I haven't heard from ukai at all, apparently my attitude has been changing (according to my niece) and I've been more worried. I really have no clue what the frick frack she's talking about but oh well.

I begin to put my work clothes on because today i had to conduct an employee inspection. I went into Geri's room and found her hugging her stuffed UFO curled up in a ball sleeping, at least I think she's sleeping, there's no telling with that girl- n e wayssss I then headed out of the house and locked the door behind me because I'm totally not stupid (GOD IT WAS ONE TIME- GET OVER IT!!!!)

After getting in the car and making the drive to the shop I was finally able to get inside after one of my employees let me in, because I was being a lazy shet. As I walked in I noticed a new face so I went up to him.

"Hello young man how can I help you today??"

"Oh uh my names Iwaizumi Hajime i met your niece a couple days ago when my teammates basically forced her to eat lunch with tra- i mean oikawa, and she told me that yall were hiring for mechanics and I was wondering if I could work for you." He kept proper eye contact with me the entire time which is a telltale sign that he'd be a great employee, there's just one question i have.

"Uuh how did you know I was the girls aunt??" My face contorted into that of confusion and interest.

"Oh well she gave me a description, but she told me not to tell you what that was, I don't really remember why something along the lines of "it would ruin my style of annoying niece" or sum idk" He used air quotes in his sentence as I silently chuckled to myself knowing exactly what she said now. (Haha that's what she said, bruh stahp-)

"Ah I got it, well anyways follow me and I'll get you the application you can fill it out here and I'll give you a short interview but since my niece actually recommended you I don't think you'll be a problem, but if you'll excuse I have to evaluate my employees real quick so just fill this out." I hand him the application and make my way over to my first employee.

Rodge- 1st youngest employee aging at 22 years old, has the most energy always seen with a pipeline punch monster and is rather stupid outside of dealing with cars. Had to help him with taxes on multiple occasions along with how to fix his relationship (ironic huh??) Asked him the basic questions, score for test 88/100. Financials test, score 12/100, still in progress.

Alia- the only other female worker at the shop as all the other have quit, the second oldest aging at 30 years old, very smart in all secretary/accounting aspects, beautiful woman, married with 2 kids but still somehow gets a bunch of guys. Not very smart when it comes to mechanical parts on a car but will do the job if needed. The secretary for the shop and handles the Financials (the bursar if you will though no one will punch her, if you get it let me know and I'll give you a cookie but you have to tell me where it's from). Tested with mechanics, score 70/100, tested with financials, score 100/100. Needs work with cars.

Samson Sr.- oldest working mechanic. Most knowledge when it comes to cars (besides me of course) 68 (ha you thought) years old, has a 23 year old son who comes in occasionally to help, son is a huge flirt but a very disgusting slob. Tries his best to help fix anything anywhere but has a hard time due to arthritis pains in his hands, still very smart with financials as he is the wisest. Test for mechanics 100/100, test for financials 92/100.

These were my workers, my second family who im basically the mother of I love them all with all of my heart. After taking these notes I turn and walk to the new kid.

"Here I uh finished the application" He handed me the application as I looked over it.

"Uuuh ok follow me im just going to ask a few simple questions and if you answer then correctly you've got the job" He nodded as he followed me to the INTERROGATION ROOOOM!!!! jk jk it's just the back office for job interviews but anywaysssss, we sat down and i asked him questions.

🧭🧭 timeskip brought to you by. Nah its just a timeskip 🧭🧭

I gave iwaizumi the job and he is now the official youngest to work at the shop, after sending him home it was a bit late so I decided to close shop and go home.

On my way home I decided to stop at THE store, ya know HIS store, and pretend that I needed something. In all honesty i just wanted to make sure he was OK. As i walked in the doors bell went off.

I made my way to the bread section and grabbed some without looking and then made my way to the ice-cream section and got 2 half gallons (so just a gallon) and made my way to the counter.

I saw someone sitting there with the newspaper in front of their face and assuming it was him I slammed my stuff on the counter and said.

"Hey you annoying prick"

He pulled the newspaper down below his face.

"Who you calling annoying prick??" Not who I expected.

"eeeEEEEHHHH?!?!" I screeched in confusion and kinda sorta embarrassment.

Annoying Pair (Keishin Ukai x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora