Chapter 3

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Gerickas POV (boom bitch bet ya didn't expect that)

I made my way down the streets and stopped infront of a convenient store. I was contemplating on whether or not if I should go by like 4 dozen meat buns....mmmm meat buns.

I was practically drooling over the thought of meat buns when I walked in the store. I greeted the familiar looking man and asked him for 2 dozen instead of 4 (even though I could eat 4 I was just to lazy to carry 4 dozen). The man looked at me weirdly for a second before looking like he gave up on questioning me.

As i was waiting for the meat buns I accidentally screamed out loud, scaring the man.

"Aha you're that one guy from the shop my auntie works at!!!!" I pointed my finger at him while he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah? Which one was your aunt?" He brushes my yelling off and continues to put the meat buns in bags.

"Oh shes the owner of the place, she has (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes and she is a bit on the shorter side but still taller than me by a lot, OH and she's really annoying." I had my finger on my chin tapping away as I was thinking and when i looked at him he seemed to be
"Deflated?" I said out loud which the man heard and then i asked.
"Sir are you ok?" (I'm a little messed up- ok ill stop)

Ukais POV
"Sir are you ok?" I heard her ask me. I looked at her and said.

"I know which ones your aunt now." I kind of shivered as i said this and that didn't go unnoticed by the little girl in front of me.

"Oh did she hurt herself on the car and then you went to help her but she snapped at you and started being rude after that?" My eyes went wide as I nodded my head slowly.

"How'd you know?" My eyes went back to normal and I handed her all her meat bun bags.

"Oh thats just how she is, Mean and super annoying but once you get to know her she is a really good Person. Also because she told me everything you said and she said and you know from what she tells me....yall Fight like an old married couple it's kind of funny Hahaha" She laughs as she says this.

The look on my face must of been hilarious or something because she started busting out laughing even more to the point where she was crying.

"I was joking about the married couple thing but the ketchup theme you got goin' on on your cheeks shows you have a little bit of interest in her." She wipes tears from her face from her laughing and begins to head out but stops and looks at me as i was trying to hide the 'ketchup theme' on my face, as she said.

"If you were wondering she is single," she goes to take a step out but then pauses again "she also said you were really hot, if you want to get with her let me know but in the mean time I'll see you at!" She 'smirks', well from what I can tell because the mask lifted up a bit, then walks out for real this time.

I was confused until it hit me....

Oh God the new foreign exchange student ill be coaching is that hot but annoying girls niece. What the hell am I going to do?!?!....


"OI YOU BRAT WHO THE HELL EVER SAID I WANTED TO GET WITH THAT ANNOYING WOMAN?!?!" I shook my fist as I yelled from behind the counter and I swear I could hear her laughing from down the road.

'Ugh that little brat acts a bit like Tanaka, but more importantly

She's just as annoying as her hot ass aunt....

The fuck is wrong with my head?? I need an advil....

And a bottle of jack Daniel's (I dont own jack Daniel's I wish I did tho that shits so good)' I sighed and rubbed my temples.

Annoying Pair (Keishin Ukai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now