Chapter 9

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Your POV

I walked into the kitchen as I was putting my hoop earing on and looked towards my neice.

"Hey aunt- oh satan has cursed me once again, SATAN BLESS IT I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON MY SIDE SATAN?!?!" she screamed

"Uh- what??" I stood there dumbfounded as I was finished putting my hoops in.

"Well I though Satan was on my side today until you walked into the kitchen wearing that."  She pointed at my outfit and gave me an up down look.

"Hey!! The rare times I actually dress up, you always find something to criticize." I pouted as slunked further into the kitchen to see she was making Ramen.

"Its because you always screw up putting it on or wear the wrong shoes." She looked at me like a stern mother would.

"Well im doing neither right now. I actually have the correct shoes in and the dress is being worn correctly." I had a matter-of-fact tone of voice as I said this with full confidence.

"Yeah sure. Ok here let me break it down for you. Those shoes would be correct if you were wearing the dress properly, oh and yes the way you are wearing the dress would be perfectly fine....iiif you were going to church. Which we don't in this family unless it's to go there to sing "the bread of bread I'd breaddddd" but today's not Sunday nor is it Wednesday, so I can only conclude that the reason you're 'dressed up is because you're going on a date, in which case you're dress is actually om backwards and those shoes aren't near sexy enough to be worn with that dress." As she looked at me she smiled and offered to help.

"I mean I don't know what I'd need help with. I thought the way I was wearing this was correct and perfectly fine." This time my tone of voice was confusion.

"The only correct thing you chose. Were those hoops. Like you know what they say. Bigger the hoops. Bigger the h-" I cut her off

"Don't even finish that sentence and just help me" I pulled my arms into the dress as she helped me turn it around as it revealed a huge hole in the front.

"I thought this hole was supposed to go in the back for like a back design, because if it's not then I wouldn't have gotten this dress, it's too big for me see how it shows so much of my front side?" I started to explain how I thought the dress was supposed to work. Or at least the excuse I had come up with.

"Auntie you can drop the act. I'm not your parents, I'm not going to yell at you for looking sexy as hell in a dress. No, but I will yell at you for wearing it wrong." Damn she caught onto my plan. I just chuckled nervously.

"Damn it, you caught me. I knew how the dress was supposed to go but I thought if I played stupid enough you'd just let me be. " I said this as I pulled out an extra pair of shoes. This time ones that go with the dress.

"Well I can only assume you're going on a date??" She looked at me with curiosity flaming behind her eyes.

"Yes, Uk- Keishin invited me to come with him on this fancy dinner he's having with other coaches from other schools to schedule a camp sometime." I grabbed my purse and keys as I started walking towards the front door.

"Awe that's so sweet!! Sooo then would it be ok if I invited a few friends over??" She asked as she did that stupid finger thing where she puts them together and give me the puppy dog eyes.

"Ughh do what you want. But please dont make too much of a mess, and please please pleeaaaaase don't get the cops called on you and you get thrown in jail. I dont want to have to deal with that again." I chuckled a bit remembering what happened last time.

"Eeeeeh no promises, but I'll try not to. Anyways BYE AUNTIE I LOVE YOU." She runs towards me quickly and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek and tells me to have fun after bidding me goodbye.

After I start my walk towards the store to meet up with Keishin. Oh satan, I hope this won't be to annoying to deal with tonight. I "pray to satan" that I'll be ok, not noticing I had forgotten my jacket and umbrella.

And it was forecasted to storm tonight as the cold front came in.

Annoying Pair (Keishin Ukai x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें