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I stood by my car and fixed my dress/tux as i stared up at the building. It had officially been ten whole years since I've stepped foot in there. 

I could hear subtle music playing from inside, the lights were bright and a lot of people were either standing outside, talking to each other or walking in.

"Ah, highschool, where dreams come to die and students come to crush each others souls"

I laughed at my stupid joke and walked to the front entrance of the school, i greeted old friend whom im pretty sure, i don't remember and walked down the hallway to the gym.

After a while of greeting people and awkwardly standing around, i walked over to the drink table to get something to drink. I then just stood there for a while, awkwardly.

I slowly sipped on my drink when three people walked over to me.

I recognized two of them but the third was a bit difficult.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the C.E.O. of (very successful business or other job). How are you (y/n)? You haven't changed a bit, still as beautiful/handsome as back in highschool" the first one spoke. She was an old friend, we used to ditch school together and hang out at (somewhere fun)

"It's good to see you Adaline" i said looking down to her, she was a very short girl, standing at 4 feet tall, she had short red hair and gorgeous blue eyes, full lips and a slightly rounded face with a very fit body.

Second to speak was Ellis, he was the same height as i was, standing at (height). Not very tall/short, i know. He had slightly outgrown blonde hair and hazel eyes, he wore glasses and had a dad bod.

"It's been a while, how do tou you still look so young?" He asked

"Well i am only 28 years old, i shouldn't look old yet"

He smiled and i looked at the third person. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, shiny blonde hair and a smile that would melt hearts.

"I'm honestly really sorry, but i don't think i know you" i said feeling very bad.

He just smiled "felix"

We all talked for a while. Ellis and Adaline then left to go dance so i was left alone with Felix

He looked at me

"What?" I asked with a small smile

"Strange how you don't remember me. I mean we did hook up more than once in the janitors closet."

Then, it hit me.

His voice
His accent
The way he talks
The way he glances at me
The way he would smile when i look at him

I fell in love with him back in highschool and we used to hook up a lot, at graduation i told him how i felt and he didn't feel the same way, i was broken, but i got over it.

"How did i not recognize you"

He shrugged and his expression changed to a sad one

"Look, (y/n). Back in highschool, i didn't know what i wanted, so i said no...but a few weeks later i realised that i made a mistake and that i did want you, but by then, you had already left for college. I'm sorry...i would like to try again...if you want?"

Wow...okay, i was not expecting it cool

"Sure. It's a date, im in town for a few days, meet me tomorrow at our old restaurant"

"The one where you convinced the waiter we were over 21 and got us alcohol or the one where you made me pretend to ask you to marry me?"

"Figure it out" i smirked and walked past him to where Ellis and Adaline were dancing, i joined them and soon Felix joined us. We danced and enjoyed the rest of the night.


The names Ellis and Adaline were used because they are rarely used names,(as far as i know) if you know where i got the names then please don't come at me because the characters aren't described correctly.

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