markiplier (part one)

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Music blasted through the room. The walls vibrated as the sound bounced off them. People were dancing, drinking, getting high or having sex in different corners. Wallflowers sat on the couches and waited for the night to end and just go home.

You weren't one of them

In the middle of the room, stood a college student, a colourful dragon tattoo filled the left side of his neck. An entire bottle of vodka in his right hand and an edible in his left. The croud was cheering at his crazy dancing.

You see. A few hours ago, this man had a mental break down. As far as one of those can go for someone, his was pretty bad.

Now, he was at another students house party, drinking and getting high. The world was blurry and the music was too loud for him to be able to hear his own thoughts.

He just kept dancing, yelling and drinking.

On the other side of the room, stood Mark Fischback, another sfudent from the same college.

He was with the wallflowers

He was new to the college and had never gone to one of their parties

He saw the male in the middle of the room, having fun, with a hint of sadness hidden from the world.

Mark could see the male had one too many but didn't want to be the 'party pooper' and take the guy home.

He saw the male give the almost empty bottle of vodca to a random person and ran up the stairs.

He waited a minute then followed behind the male.

No one was upstairs except the two.

One was on his knees, bended over the toilet.

The other just standing by the door, waiting.

(Y/n) looked up and saw Mark.

"The ffffuck you want cocksucker"

Mark, was not expecting that

"I...uh, i wanted to take you home"

"And...rape me w...while vuler..ana..nerable?..whats the word?"

"No! No. I wanted to take you to your house, so you could get some rest...its vulnerable"


He couldn't finish his sentence

After a few minutes. He tried to stand up but failed so mark helped him. They walked downstairs and to the door, multiple people tried to either get him to stay or give him anything with alcohol in it.

Mark helped (y/n) into his car and got into the passenger seat. He strapped in his seatbelt and looked over to (y/n) to ask him where he lived, not knowing he lived on campus

He saw that (y/n) was asleep and sighed. He then strapped in (y/n)s seatbelt

"Guess you're sleeping in my guestroom tonight"

(Part 2...coming soon)

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