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We met in high school

Sean was my only friend back in the early years of high school. We met when the class was told to pick a partner for P.E. , there were an equal amount of students, meaning everyone had one partner, but i didn't have any friends so that meant i was going to end up with some random kid who probably wouldn't like me and ask to be in a group of three with someone else.

I was dead wrong

I watched as everyone scrambled across the room to their friend or crush and eventually everyone had a partner except me, i looked around for the only other student that might not have a partner and saw the quiet kid. He was awkwardly standing on the sidelines, staring at the crowd of teens.

I walked over to him and he looked up. I gave an awkward smile, which he returned.

"Wanna be my partner?"


"Great, lets go"

I was way too energetic back then, it wasn't bad, but it was probably overwhelming for someone like him

We did what we were supposed to and got graded, after that i had a free period so i was planning on going to the arcade for a while, but i was stopped by the kid whom i just now realised, i didn't know the name of.

"Hey, uh, i have a free period, i was wondering if you'd maybe wanna hang out? You don't have to"

It was adorable, I'm not going to li

I smiled

"Yeah, sure. Im going to the arcade, but we could go to 7/11 for some slushies instead"

"Okay, I'll go get my stuff from my locker then we can go...oh, and I'm Sean"


We hung out a lot more after that day.
We became close friends.
Maybe two years after that, we started dating.
Another year added to that, we got married.

Now, we have our own little gremlins running around.

This one sucked.
Im sorry
Im tired
School sucks
Anxiety sucks
Finding a job sucks
College applications suck

I'll try harder when I'm not in the mood to crawl into a hole and die

I did have an actual idea of what i wanted to do here, but at "wanna be my partner"  i closed my eyes because i was falling asleep and my brain just went 'bleh' and i forgot so i just winged it because i needed to post something

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