About to go

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After the third time break of naila's primary six;her parents decided to take her and zee to a boarding school.so there found them a lesson teacher to guide them,for common entrance examination lesson.

Naila and zee are trying their very best to learn;most especially zee that stayed back at home for sometime.

"Ila baby,we're are you?i want you to help me out,please."zee asked naila,as she move on towards her school bag.am in the barthroom_but will soon come out.

"Please can you,help me with your drawing broad and pencil..."zee inquired.yes of course_why not?that you so much illa Bby,I love you.after a while zee came back with a broken drawing board and paint all over naila's. Drawings."whatttttttttt...am I seeing?"naila angrily talk.illa,am sorry it was a mistake_i mistakenly fall down on top of the board,and the colors spoilt the drawings🙁.am sorry 😐 please...

"😭😭😭my drawings that I have been working on;how could you?my dream is to finish working on it be for my daddy's birthday,to give him as a gift."naisa sobbing,and talking out of ire...illa I said am sorry_it was a mistake...

"Mistake my foot"you better find a solution to my drawings.naisa left the room ire!without look back.zainab begins to boohoo inconsolably,"just because of common drawings_shes yelling at me...hmmm;such is life."
Zee regretted asking,illa for her drawing board_because it caused a lot of problem between she,and illa_to the extend of fighting,ignorance,separation of bed space,and any activities together...

Nobody at home noticed that the children are not in good time,but nanny_because everyone is busy with work.assalama alaikum_nany uttered ,waalai kissalam.good day ma;am here to tell you something serious about the children...yes dear you can ahead,hope all is well?mummy asked.

Ma!the children are keeping malice.what ...?as small as there are?this is unbelievable...since when?mummy asked?
Ma I don't know 🤷‍♀️,but I think 🤔 it was yesterday_i asked them but nobody gave me an answer.

Nany do me a favour!call the children for me,now.i need to talk some senses in to them.mummy uttered as she's folding her prayer mat.

Zee and naisa in front of mummy,seated on a soft pillows in mummy's room.naisa...mummy called with a serious tone_what happened between the two of you?"mummy is not a big deal"naisa replayed.hey you girl am asking you a question;you are telling me that_naisa what have you started downing yourself into?keeping malice with your sister...?hmmm,is that what I thought you?

"Mummy am sorry 😐it's not my fault,she broke my drawing board,and destroyed my paintings that I have been working so had on it..."naisa was sobbing and talking to her mother at the same-time.

Zee tell me your own part;mummy uttered.mummy I took permission from illa before using her drawing board,mistakenly I fall down on top of the board,and the color paint damaged her drawings.i apologized to her many times_but don't reply me back,since from that very day we stopped talking to each other,changed sleeping position,not eating together...and Any activities.

Mummy was shock to here that...her naisa...
Since when did that started ?its been two weeks now,zee replies.

The children apologized to mummy,and also their self.mummy advised them and talk-senses into them.there promised her not to have carrel again,and to be a good girls.

Since then the children changed and continue with their life_even more than before,and started planning for daddy's birthday_even-though it was too late.

Wayyo wayyo naisa started yelling,seating at the staircase flow.everyone came out running,including mummy and daddy that just came back yesterday night.zee what happened to naisa? Mummy she mistakenly fall down,and heat her legs.everyone was petting naisa,she just stood up huge daddy and wish him happy 😃 blessed birthday...!

"This girl,you almost make me feint_with this kind of suprise..."daddy talks as he is hugging zee.
The next day everyone dressed up with a party clothes for daddy's 50 years birthday.the party was such a unmemorable one most especially for the kinds.
Naisa naisa wake up you know today is the D_day we have to take our Barth as early as possible...

At the exam hall in federal government college minna.illa have you seen this school?its very beautiful,I like it_i pray we will pass this exams,and come.zee acknowledged,in a happy mood before the exams papers are been shared.

"Listen and listen carefully,don't start writing_till you are asked to do so.if you are caught or doing exam malpractice,you will be send out of the hall,and that's all for you_so be careful".said by the exam officer,in a serious tone.

After the exams,naisa and zee mate a very beautiful girl started to talk,and walking around the school compound.before their drive arrived.

After a week,their results came out naisa and zee passed the exams.everyone was happy to hear it.the children are eager to go to a boarding school,there don't have any work but preparing and talking about their new school.

Hey guys 🤗hope you are enjoying it...?because I don't think 🤔 so,no voting and comments 😪😪😪
Bye 👋 I love ❤️ you 😍all.

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