10. New Feelings

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I walk into the park and look down at my feet. I didn't really like today's lesson. We're gonna work on that all this week which is really tiring. I'm tired but I still came here anyways, which is strange.

"Hey there." Someone says. I turn around and see Michael.

"Hi. How's today so far?" I say.

"Okay." He shrugs. "How was training?"


"Destiny told me you screwed up."

"I just didn't finish her off so she got mad."


"I don't know. I just don't feel like I should finish someone off." I say. He grins.


"You're not like the rest." He says.

"Why thank you. You're not quite like the rest either." I say.

"How?" He says.

"Well, you're mysterious and don't talk to many people." I say.

"Well I'm not that social." He says.

"I've noticed." I laugh and he smiles.

"Michael? Do you consider me as a friend?" I ask.

He hesitates and holds his breath in. "I guess we can be friends."

"Okay good." I say and I grin. He doesn't though, he just starts to walk away.


The next day we walk into the cabin and I walk inside the training room.

"Oh she's here." Destiny says. "Let's start then." She shows us the boxing bags.

"Okay, fight it." She says.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Aria (Erica) says.

"What? Want an intro?" She sighs. "Your new enemies. Fight."

"I don't know much about boxing but I'm pretty sure they give you these really ugly gloves." Gabriella (Hilary) says.

"Skin is the only protection you got. Now fight!" Destiny says. I walk to the punching bag and start to punch it.

"Stop!" She says. Do the right fighting position." Destiny says.

I do the right position and I start to punch the bag.

"Spread around the pain." Destiny says. "Like if it was a body."

I punch it in different places.

"Good." Destiny says. Hilary and Erica go to their punching bags and start to punch.

"You're not allowed to stop until I say so." Destiny says. We punch until my knuckles are bleeding red.

"Okay the twelve minutes are over go to school." Destiny says after a while. We walk out and head outside.

"That was a nightmare!" Hilary says.

"I know. I'm totally not gonna wear these heels to school anymore." Erica says. We drive back to school and I walk back inside the classroom. The teacher isn't here, she must be in the bathroom.

I sit down on my desk and start to do the assignment.

After class we walk over to our lockers. That girl walks over to Michael and pokes his back.

"Guess who it is?" The girl says.

"The annoying girl." Michael says. "Just please leave me alone."

"Why won't you give me a chance?" She begs. I grab my uniform and walk over to Michael.

"Because he's taken." I say.

"By who?"

"Me. Not scram!" I say.

"Is that true Michael?" The girl asks Michael.

"Just leave." He says. She pouts and walks away.

"Your welcome." I say.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Why are you mad at me?" I say.

"I'm not. She just puts me in a bad mood." Michael says.

"Well no need to take it out on me. I was just trying to help." I say.

"I know, but she's gonna tell everyone that we're dating when we're not."

"I'm sure she won't. And if she does, I'll think of something." I say. He just kind of grins.

"Oh right we have to ditch class again." I say and sigh. When will we stop? See, this is what my curiosity gets me, too.

"Does ditching class disappoint you that bad?" He asks.

"Sorta. I'll get use to it." I say and hope I will get use to it.

"Go to class." He says.

"What?" I say.

"You go to gym. I'll cover you with some excuse. James believes anything."

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this." I say.

"I want to. Besides, I kinda owe you."

"Yeah but my idea was stupid."

"It worked though."

"Thanks." I hug him but he doesn't really hug back. "Thank you so much."

"Go." He says. I run into the gym room. I go to my gym locker and change. I then accidentally bump into someone.

"Oops, sorry." I say.

"It's okay." She says. "Have I seen you before?"

"I don't know." I say.

"Well I'm Maya. I don't remember you coming to gym that often."

"Yeah I get that a lot." I say. "And I'm Jade." "Well nice to meet you." She grins and walks away.

I walk into the gym and look around. I'm glad I get a chance here.

"So, you ready to run?" Maya asks.

"I guess." I grin at the floor.

"You look happy." She says.

"I guess I am." I say.

"Well I'm not that happy."

"Why not?"

"Because, someone needs to pay." She smiles. "No biggy."

I roll my eyes and start to run.


After class I wait for Hilary and Erica. They come back from the back doors.

"Where were you?" Hilary says.

"At gym."


"Because Michael offered to let me go to class and cover for me." I say.

"Well you're lucky. Destiny made us do twenty push ups every minute." Hilary says.

"And if we didn't finish the twenty pushups in a minute, we had to add on to the pushups on the next minute." Erica says.

"Sorry." I say. "If it makes you feel any better we had to run." I look around. "Where is Michael?"

"James wanted to talk to him." Erica says.

That worries me a little.

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