4. The Runaway

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I open the window and I climb down the tree. I jump and run as fast as I can. I go into the park and see someone walking by. The black hoodie guy. I look closely and run up to him when I realize who it is. I take off his hoodie and stare at him. It's Michael.

"What the-" he stops. "You again?"

"Look thanks to you, cops are coming to my house to interrogate me!"


"You heard me! And if you don't solve this problem I will tell them everything I know!" I say.

"Okay calm down-"

"Haven't the cops arrived to your home?" I ask. He hesitates.

"Never mind that. You're not going home."

"Excuse me?" I say.

"Follow me." He grabs my arm but I yank my arm free. I'm not gonna run away from the cops.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me what the hell is going on!" I say.

"I..." He shakes his head. "Can't tell you. Just, make up a story and let me know." He says.

"What? I can't lie to the cops!" I say.

"Yes, you can." He runs away and I just watch him. What is he talking about? Has he lied to the cops? Well I know he lies to the teachers when he claims he was in the bathroom or anywhere else.

I take out my phone and call Hilary.

"Hilary? Hi, I need you to come to the park now-"

"Put your hands up!" Someone interrupts. I turn around slowly, seeing the lights of the flash lights behind me. I put my phone down and slowly put my hands up. The cops stand in front of me and smile.

"Well what do we have here?" One says.

"Another runner. Yeah, you're coming with me." He grabs my arm and pulls me into the car.

Why am I going to jail? Am I going to jail? Why is any of this happening? Oh wait, that's because of Michael!

"Am I going to jail?" I ask.

"Look kid, all I can tell you is that you shouldn't of stayed home and not run away."


They take me into a dark room with nothing but a table, a chair and a glass of water on the table.

"Sit." The officer says, and I do so.

Another officer comes in and whispers something to another officer. I can see the cameras focusing on me and the huge window about the size of the wall.

"Alright, let's make this clear. There are no games here and if you think this is a joke, there's a cell waiting for you." He points at the door. "Got it."

I gulp and nod.

"Good. Now we're gonna be honest here unless you're reconsidering jail. What happened in school today?"

I am a girl who loves to shop and loves shoes. So why is a shoe shopping girl being interrogated in jail? I keep remembering what Michael told me, don't tell them anything that happened.

"Well it was just an ordinary day of school." I mutter. "Me and my friends were at lunch chilling." I have to tell the truth, they might have evidence that I'm lying or know if I'm lying. Honest...honest...honest...Michael.

"When I saw the woman walk in. Everyone panicked and I ran up to hide because I figured that there she wouldn't find me." I say. "But she followed me upstairs with another student."

"Can you tell us that other student's name?" He asks me.

"I, I don't know the name. But she was about to attack us when she just fainted." I say, remembering me hit the woman with the pan.

"Do you know why she fainted?"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps the reason she came to the school was because she was crazy.'' I say.

"If that's so, why did she follow you guys?" The officer asks.

"I, I don't know. Maybe the student bumped into her on his way upstairs or like I said, she's crazy."

The officer doesn't seem to believe me but the others do.

"So you're telling me that the woman randomly arrived causing you to run upstairs with a student you don't know and she just fainted?"

I force myself to nod. "Yes."

"Well the hospital took blood testings to see if she had some problem but she is perfectly alright." The officer drops a folder on the table and I stare at it.

"I've seen it all kid. It's just best for you to confess."

It is best for me to confess. But, what would happen to me if I did confess?

"I confessed all that I know sir." I say.

He glares at me shocked but then smirks.

"Well then, I hope Ms. Aladi has the same story to tell then."

My eyes widen. Why did I do this?

"S-she will be interrogated?"

"But of course." He lays his hands on the table and leans close.

"She survives, she gets interrogated sweetie." He smirks and walks back.

"Am I free now?" I say.

"Yeah. You can go." He says. I walk up to him so he'll take the handcuffs off and I walk out and I walk to the park. What have I done?

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