3. A New Visitor

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"Excuse me?" I ask slowly and glare at him. 

He walks away and I get up. I wipe some dust from my jeans and when I look up, I notice the doors open. Someone wearing something similar to Michael is standing there, glaring at the ground. I could barley see the person's face, but I could tell the person doesn't go here. "Uh, Michael?" My voice goes high and Michael turns.

"Now what?" He demands. His eyes widen as he sees someone come in. That person is a woman with short white hair that probably is a wig. She has dark sunglasses and a black outfit.

"Woah, I can totally tell that is not allowed in the school fashion code." I point out. I look around and see that all the kids stare at her in wonder.

"Run." Michael mutter.

"What? I don't run unless-" Michael grabs my arm and runs.

"Wait!" I say and run, too. I look behind us and the woman is following us. He turns into a room.

"Wait that's the science lab-"

Michael breaks in and all the students scream. Michael pulls me through the crowd and grabs two chemicals.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He mixes them up and shakes them.

I look at the door and the woman runs in.

"Wait this will create-"

The chemicals combine and gas fills the room quickly.

He pulls me out of the room and he looks around. He takes me into the janitor closet which is tight and closes the door. I turn the light on and stare at Michael out of breath.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Oh no." He whispers.

"Who was she?" I ask.

He peeks a little and turns the light off.

"Uh no, I want the lights on!" I say and turn on the lights.

"Shut up." He snaps back and turns them off. I cross my arms and lean on the wall, slowly sliding down. He glances at me confused and closes the door.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks.

"What is going on?" I mutter and cross my arms. That was the only way my whole body could fit. 

"Its too much for you to take. Just stay quiet." He says.

What is this? Why is there a person here chasing us? Why am I here?

"Look I need to get you out of here safely so just stay with me." Michael says and I look at him.

"Who is she?" I keep asking questions and he kept rolling his eyes at me as if I shouldn't worry about it. 

"No one, just stay put." He says and he opens the door. Then the woman comes in and pushes Michael, causing him to fall. 

"You're coming with me." She mutters at him in a low voice. I hide in a corner and began to panic. I wasn't sure if she noticed me but I figured she didn't because she was more focused on Michael who squirmed on the floor like a bug. I look around and yell at myself. Think Jade...Think! I then notice some supplies on the shelf. I look through it and with some of the light coming from outside, I notice a pan sitting there. I don't question its presence and quickly grab the pan that's on a shelf.

"Hey!" I call. She turns around and I smack her with the pan, knocking her out. I drop the pan and lean back. What did I just do?

Michael stares at me and then at the woman. He checks her pulse and breathes in and out.

"She's alive." He announces and doesn't even bother to mention the fact that I just knocked out a woman with a pan.

"What did I do?" I whisper.

"Look at me." He cups his hands on my cheeks. "Don't tell anyone about this. No one can know about her or this day understood?" He says.

Then the principal and some cops run upstairs. Oh no.

"What in the world?" The cops look at us.

"What are you kids doing here?" A cop asks. I look at Michael.

"We found her here." He lies and I glare at him. What was he doing? Was his plan seriously lie to the cops? I held back my instinct that told me I should just tell them everything.

"You found her on the floor?" They repeated slowly.

"Yes." I find myself saying out of nerves and glance at Michael. "We were walking by and saw her on the floor." I say.

"That's it. Kids get to class." The principal says and pushes us away. Michael stares at them and I walk away.

"Hey, girl wait!" He says and follows me.

"I heard you, I won't tell anyone." I say.


I roll my eyes and walk away.


"Jade! Sweetheart are you okay?" My mom asks.

"I'm fine." 

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I found the woman thats all." I say not looking at my mom.

"Thank the lord she didn't hurt you." She hugs me. "Come on let's go home."

"Jade!" Hilary and Erica run over to me with their parents behind them.

"Oh we thought you were a gonner! What happened?" Erica asks.

"I'll tell you girls later." I get in the car and my mom talks with the parents for a while. I can't believe Michael! He doesn't even care about me, only his stupid secret!

My mom gets in the car and drives home. I'm glad school ended earlier thanks to that woman, but I hope I don't have to see her ever again.


Back at home my mom is cutting tomatoes while I'm watching T.V in my room. It's six, my favorite TV show is on. I grab my phone and it starts to vibrate. It's Hilary. I answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Jade you're screwed!" She says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because of the incident. There was cops at my house wondering if you were here because they want to talk to you about the whole accident."

"What!? That can't happen!" I say and hang up. I change the channel to the news and the news reporter is there.

"And the accident happened during 12:15. The police officers don't know much details but the fact that she got knocked out by something hard and she fell on the janitor's closet according to students who will be interrogated for more information."

"What?" My eyes widen. I look under my bed and pull out a black backpack. I shove some clothes in their and a pair of shoes and socks. I yank my charger out and save it in the small pocket. I also out my phone in there, too and put some toilet paper in the backpack. I should go downstairs to get food.

Then, I hear the rings. I look out the window and see the cops in their cars coming.

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