1. The Mysterious Date

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The clock ticks until it finally touches the twelve. My eyes land on the door that opens and a male comes in. He has hazel eyes and straight combed brown hair. He's not short and he doesn't wear any neon colors such as yellow or pink.

The teacher glares at him but continues to teach. Once the teacher stops to gives us worksheets he gives us all paper. My back starts to hurt a little from leaning on my hand, too long and I sit straight.

The teacher walks up to the male and offers him the paper but when he tries to take it, the teacher doesn't give it to him.

"Where have you been Michael?" The teacher asks.

Michael bites his lip and looks down. "In the bathroom."

"Again?" The teacher says. Michael doesn't answer.

"Do you have a pass?"


The teacher let's the paper go and it gently flies down to the desk. "Meet me after class Mr.O'Connell." Then the teacher leaves.

I watch the teacher sit down and start to write something down on a sheet and then type. I glance over at Michael who just starts on the worksheet. How does he know already how to do these problems?

The bell rings and I walk out with my friends, Hilary and Erica.

"I don't get why for every lesson he wants us to have homework. It's ridiculous." Erica says. Hilary takes out her lip gloss and puts it on.

"Erica!" Hilary says.

"What, a girl needs her lip gloss! Let's go to the bathroom." Erica runs in the girl's bathroom and there they put on our makeup.

"There, perfect." Hilary puckers her lips and looks over at her bag. "Time for mascara!"

"Are you done with the makeup?'' Erica asks me.

"Yes." I say and look at my watch. "And we better get to our lockers before the bell rings." I say.

"I need my makeup though." Erica says.

"Come on." Hilary grabs Erica and takes her out. I put my makeup bag in my bag and then I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry." I say and see Michael there. He just moves away and turns left to the halls.

"That's weird." Erica says.

"Very." I say and we walk away into class. The bell rings and the teacher gladly gives us a new lesson.

I lean on my hand again and play with my hair. The color of my hair strikes the sun making it glow and my hair is wavy.

"Ms.Wilson, Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you aren't paying attention."

"I'm sorry sir it won't happen again." I say and he nods. I was paying attention but if I argue, I'll get in trouble.

Then, a song goes on. A song from Taylor Swift.

"Who's phone is that?" Everyone starts to laugh.

"My phone." The teacher runs out in the hall with his phone and answers the call.

Hilary and Erica come to my desk.

"Wow, that's hilarious." Erica says.

"And embarrassing." Hilary giggles.

"Girls do you get any of this?"

"Nope.'' Hilary says.

"I do and I can help you guys out if you want."

A Dangerous Lieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن