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Suho's POV

Its the 364th day. The whispering wind, the light snores from Yixing, the rustling of the leaves---everything. Pressures me. Then, I did the right thing.

"Yixing-ah, no matter where you go, no matter how long our distance will be, remember that I loved you unconditionally."

He yawned then smiled

"Why so sudden, what time is it?"

A tear formed in my eyes until my eyes are burning hot. I noticed his face turned red. No, not yet, please.

"The fact still hurts that way because I still love you. Please forgive me. I love you, really. But.. you know."

He nodded then he started tearing up. This is my weakness.

"I won't forget our first kiss, I won't forget our first date, I won't..." I became speechless when my tears fell down. I can't believe this is happening.

"Aish. I'm sorry if I kept a secret from you. Please, just don't be sad for tonight okay? I know that even you are with me, you still feel *hick* sad. Please, no. Don't be. I love you!" This needs to be quick. In any minute the clock will strike.. 12. The room filled with sad atmosphere and both of us are crying. I hugged him tight and kissed his head.


I kissed his temple


I kissed his nose


I kissed him passionately and he kissed me back. The kiss lasted long until we were out of breathe. Yixing caressed my cheek using his thumb.

"I love you too, Kim Joonmyeon." He showed me a genuine smile.

"I love you" Yixing whispered until he slowly went back to his sleeping position.


Time.. Time is running so fast.  And nothing but guilt is dominating me. I placed my ear on his chest and caressed him. Yixing. Why do you need to go?

"Please forgive me"

I listened to his heartbeat until it lasts. I am the only one who is in there.


My tears never stopped. I groaned. Yixing is now asleep. This one is better. To die in peace. No endurance of pain, only us.

"I love.. you.. J-Joonmyeon" He muttered on his sleep.


My heart fell and tears started falling uncontrolably. His heartbeat stopped and never beated again. Even once.

"YIXING-AH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and nudged at him. He isn't moving anymore. His chest isn't breathing in and out anymore. His face is pale and his mouth is now turning to purple.

What a very heartbreaking night

I placed my head on his chest while crying out loud. Screaming. Cussing. Yixing is gone.. Forever. And I know, it will take a lot of time to see him again.

Tbh it didnt hurt that much





Here and there

Xianghae almost hugged the cascet and it almost fell. He cried hysterically most of the time.

Gwen and I are comforting each other. We never stopped apologizing because guilt is eating us alive and will eat us forever.

"This is not the end, Gwena." I placed her head on my shoulder.

"This is just the beginning" She nodded

A very shitty beginning. Indeed.


"Mom!! Dad!! Jinwoo hid my thaxophone!" Victoria screamed from her room.

A giggle from my back surprised me. Jinwoo was behind me, probably hiding.

It has been 8 years and we managed to survive. It is a pity to Jinwoo he didn't have the chance to see his biological father. Well damn, I've been an adoptive father for 2 times. Victoria is now 14 and she is now a mature teenager. Her talent developed, her grammar is now fine but her lisp.. Yeah, lisp. Jinwoo has a cute features from his father. He has such doe eyes. Despite of his angelic look, he is very hyper all the time.

Gwena and I? We are married now for 5 years.

I learned something very valuable. After every rain a rainbow will appear. Maybe, maybe. Yixing is a blessing in disguise.

No matter what happens, he will always remain here in our hearts. We won't forget him.

a/n: IM SO SORRY IT HAS BECOME SUPERB BORING. I tried my best buuut hahaha okay so sorry. i almost cried. idek. its boring. anw yay its finished.


365 Days With You ♥ [ S U L A Y ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz