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I don't know anything about love.

I became so blind that I didn't notice I was falling in love all the time.

Why is it everytime the end is so close, that's when you'll only realize something is wrong.


                             Why do you only have 365 days left?

Because of ME

Because I was SELFISH

Because I was BLIND

Because I was too JERK AND EGOISTIC to realize everything

I regret everything right from the start.

But the question is.... Why only now?

31,536,000,000,000,000 Nanoseconds

31,536,000 Seconds

525600 Minutes

8760 Hours

365 Days

52 Weeks

26 Forthnights

12 Months

1 Year

Left to be with you..

Left to Love you..

Don't worry. I will love you 'til death. Will you love me too 'til your death?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X

TITLE: 365 Days With You

AUTHOR: @BubbleTeaLove (@winnerbun)

GENRE: Angst & Romance

LENGTH: Short-story

DATE STARTED: June 9, 2014

DATE ENDED: December 26, 2014

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