6 --- Victoria

389 20 6

Suho's POV

[Day 171]

     We had fun the whole day and I swear, I never felt this good! It makes me want to be with Yixing forever. Then it hit me. I can't. Destiny played the fucking game and by playing it, I need to spend 365 days with Yixing. Its making me crazy..

"Joonmyeon~ I am tired." Yixing yawned and squeezed my hands. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and snuggled closer to him.

"Me too. How about we go to starbucks?" I suggested

Yixing tiredly nodded.

"Hmm nevermind. You won't get to sleep well. Anyway, lets just sleep." I sighed.

While driving, he went to sleep until we arrived at his house. Well..

"Yixing-ah, wake up." I tapped his cheek lightly until he finally woke up. This hurts me, argh.

"We are home..?"

"You are" I corrected

I saw him frown which made me frown too. If only.. although I can't say this but.. if Gwen's not pregnant then maybe we won't have problems.

"Good night" He hugged me tight.

"I love you," I gave him a peck on his lips which made his eyes widen. I giggled.

"I-I love you too, Joonmyeon!" He almost cried and hugged me tighter.



The booming thunder and the lightning woke me. Is it going to rain? It stopped until the gushing winds came and banged my window. A seconds later, silence dominated and the silence made my ears uncomfortable. Until a scream made my heart race. Fuck, what was that?! The scream stopped until I realized someone is banging the main door. What.. it sounds like a child! I rushed downstairs and peeked through the hole and it is a child. A petite child with long hair and full bangs screaming for help right in front of me. (Well yes infront of me but the main door is closed) I took a deep breath before opening the door. What if she has someone with her?!

No.. She might be hurt and any minute, the rain will pour.

I opened the door and her eyes widened.

"Thank you!!!!!" She cried and hugged my legs.

She is wearing a pink silk sleepwear and she is a very cute kid. What is she doing out here? Isn't it late already?

I glanced at the clock and to my surprise, it is already 2 am. What is she doing here?! And in the midst of danger! My heart ached when she started coughing nonstop.

"A-Are you okay? What are you doing?" I asked

She sniffed and sat on the sofa before going on.

"My parents left me." Oh she has lisp. How cute.

"Since when?"


"12? You mean just awhile ago?"

She nodded

"What's your name? And what is the purpose why they left you?" I frowned

"My name is Victoria Thong.. I don't know!!! They thaid we are going to China and they tharted fighting me! I wath knocking and knocking everywhere for help but no one wath anther me!"

Victoria Song?

"How old are you?"

She raised her 6 fingers and tried to smile.

"Shall we report them to the police?"

"ANIYO AHJUSSI!!! They hate me! They thaid they don't want me ath their daughter!"

Oh god this child! I knelt down and fixed Victoria's hair. She has been knocking for two hours and yet no one answered her.

"Do you want to stay with ahjussi?" I asked, pertaining to me.

Victoria nodded



Okay calm down, Joonmyeon. You are going to solve this. Ohhh fak no. I let out a sigh before hugging her to comfort.

"Victoria, I promise to you I will be a good father, okay?" I caressed her cheeks and she hugged me all of the sudden.

"Okay APPA!!!"


[Day 172]

"Are you sure with this, Joonmyeon?" Yixing asked while staring at the sleeping Victoria. She looks like a doll, I swear.

I nodded

"Besides, I am and will be alone for the rest of my life, I'd rather---" I stopped ranting when I realized what I was saying. Fuck.

Yixing was taken aback of what I've said. Ugggghhh this feeling is worthless!

"Are you saying that I'm like a ghost to you?!" He stood upright and aimed for the door but I backhugged him to stop him from walking away.

"I was just kidding. Of course I would love to have a child with you."

My cheeks suddenly heatened up. Why do I speak before thinking?! Am I drunk or something? Aish!

"Y-You... D-Do? Hehehehe" He stuttered.

Aw I love his reaction. That was priceless! (And a close call, phew!)

"Yes of course, my love." I kissed his nape softly and we both startled when we heard a scream.



First, her grammar is very wrong and last, Ehe we are dead.

"Sorry Vic. Uhm.."

I ran out of words to say.

"Hehe okay appa I know. We have a neighbor who hath girlfriend ith a boy too!" Wait, Victoria understands those kind of things?

"Who is it?" Yixing softly asked.

"Baekhyun unnie~"


"Kekekeke she ith pretty and she alwayth take care of me. Chanyeor oppa ith tho handthome. I want t be Baekhyunnie!!"

I sense some of her being a troublesome kiddo. But this girl is wise and cute.

"Victoria, do you like to be with uth--uhm--us?" Yixing asked.



a/n: up to here onleh ❤ merry christmas/happy holiday ❤ mwah mwah here is an ud for all of you~ ilysm

SOO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF VICTORIA? HI HI HI HI HI HI. (Lel I was thinking of a nice name when I saw a 'Victoria's Secret' paperbag infront of me XDDDD)

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