1 --- Forgive Me

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Suho's POV

[DAY 1]

                I was on my way to Yixing's place after dropping Kris. It's all over now. I hope. I hope everything will be back to normal.

*Dugeun Dugeun*

My heart raced when I saw Yixing going inside his house. This is it. Might well catch him.

"Yixing!" I grinned hoping that everything is back to normal. But   I was wrong. He stared at me sternly.

"You planned to show up." His tone was very cold. Oh gosh, he remembers me as an enemy? WHAT? Seriously Mr Lee?!

"Hey!!" I stopped him by holding his wrist but he quickly yanked it away. "Ouch! Don't touch me, jerk!" Yixing hissed.

           It hurted me. This is the feeling of real pain. Huh. Why am I not so familiar. Ha. Ha. Ha. Endure the pain, Suho. I don't care. I won't care about this fvcking pain. I just want everything back. Our laughter. Our friendship. Our bondings. It all vanished just because I'm a selfish jealous jerk. He's right, I'm a jerk.

But why is he mad at me?

I banged on the door.

"Hey! Why are you mad at me?!" I kept on banging but Yixing didn't answer. I placed my temple on the door, as a sign of giving up. But not totally give up. No I won't give up on him!

I love Yixing.

"Go to hell, Joonmyeon! You lied to me.."

J-Joonmyeon.. No one has ever called me that again. Only Yixing does, actually. But come again? I lied to him? How come if I even don't remember a thing! Oh c'mon. Fvck this shit Sooman!

"Are you cursing me?"

"FVCKING SHIT!" I placed my hand on my chest while panting. Then when I realized it was Mr. Sooman, my eyes widened. Uh..

"What?" He crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"I-I said I was packing a sheet of paper." I grimaced. Aish I thought he wouldn't hear that. I heard Mr. Sooman sighed. Real pain kills me! Doesn't he understand that I'm just a soft guy that is easily hurt emotionally? I need him. Now. Agggh! Why only now?! Shit shit shit!

"Good. Solve this problem, lil kid." Mr. Sooman patted my shoulder. "My deepest sympathy." And in a blink, he's gone.

I barged inside Yixing's house. I don't care!

"Hey!" Xianghe blocked my path. Xianghe! Yixing's older brother! Actually, Xingxing never existed. Only in our kingdom.

"What's up, Xianghe! Long time no see!"

"You stupid ass, we just met yesterday." Xianghe slapped my forehead. Sheez, Chinese these days.

Wait, really? We met yesterday? I really need to know what happened. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"We did?"

"What the heck happened to you Suho?"

I shrugged nonchalantly.


"Yah Yah Yah!" I glared at him. He's crossing over the line. Xianghe needs to stop.

"You went here last night! You gave Yixing a ride home." Xianghe explained.

"Then what happened? Why is Yixing mad at me?" I questioned He facepalmed while he bit his lips. I get it. He's getting irritated. Xianghe shooked my body harshly. Aish!

"As you went outside, you saw your long lost bestfriend! Suho, you promised Yixing that he's only your one and only bestfriend. He thought he was your first bestfriend. So he was very honored but you just lied all the time!" He nagged at me. I said that? God I'm so stupid!

I ran upstairs and went to his room. There I saw my first love crying silently with his eyes close. My heart fell because of what I've saw. I'm sorry.

Good job Mr. Sooman. Good job.

"Yixing-ah." I cooed. Yixing was surprise of my presence. Cute. He frowned and looked away. Look at me my Yixing. It hurts me so much!

"I'm sorry." I hugged him. He waa surprised of my actions. Why? Is it because I'm not usually like this to him? Should I tell him I love him?


That's what my mind said.

I don't know.

I'm afraid of what his feedback is! It might just hurt me! I don't want to get hurt. Why am I a soft guy! I hate myself!

But how can I love others when I don't even know how to love myself.

"How about we go to Myunghee?" I askes softly. Myunghee. Their half sister. Sad to say, she died last year. Tragic.

"I miss her." Yixing started crying even harder. Aigoo my poor Yixing. He cried on my shoulder.

At some little reason, a wound in my heart healed. This is what I want.

"There There, Yixing. Xianghe and I are here for you." I patted his back.

"How about a reunion with Tao?"

"EXO?" Yixing's eyes sparkled.


Yixing's smile faded.

"Don't be stupid, hyung. You're the one who named our group." Yixing glared at me.

I get it! Okay! I'm stupid. That's it.

"Oh yeah.. I just got lost by my thoughts." Hope my reason works.

I heard Yixing sighed. He broke our hug then the next thing I knew, he's busy with his phone.

"Yah, are you still mad at me?"

"Are we girls?" Yixing blurted out. What the fvck?

"I'm asking you nicely!" I frowned.

"I'm sorry Yixing. I wasn't lying. Maybe your thoughts were just playing with you."

"Yeah, maybe." Yixing whispered sarcastically.

I went near him and poked his back.

"Forgive me~" I pouted. Its so hard to apologize. You don't know if they're sincere or what. You don't know what's running in their mind. But I won't give up because I can't.


"I forgive you, Hyung. Don't worry."

I know him.

He only calls me hyung if he's serious. Ah, Yixing. I love you.. But I'm afraid because I know you don't love me.

- - - - - - - - X

a/n: I KNOW ITS LAME. IM SORRY. But hey update! :-)

-07/05/14 10:52 PM

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