Dialga pushed himself off the wall as Palkia stood up as they both stared towards where they could see Yveltal and Xerneas heading towards them at incredible speed.

Both of them released their auras as they could feel the Yveltal and Xerneas doing the same, to which said True Gods were quick to arrive.

"So, we meet once again on the battlefield. Dialga!" Yveltal chuckled darkly as he looked at the Dragon God of Time. "I've been waiting for this."

"The se can be said for us." Palkia scoffed as they both flew up to face the Life and Death duo. "We have a mission afterall."

"One that you shall fail." Xerneas stated firmly as the four of them flew back from one another before giving loud cries.

Their auras bursting out from their bodies as all of Little Garden along with beyond could be felt shaking from their power.

Both Dialga and Palkia soon began to be covered by their energy before coming out in their armoured forms.

They then saw Yveltal and Xerneas doing the same as the former was covered in a red aura as the other was covered in a blue.

As the light died down, both Yveltal and Xerneas were now seen donning their own armour as the four True Gods glared at each other.

As the light died down, both Yveltal and Xerneas were now seen donning their own armour as the four True Gods glared at each other

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The four of them had firry auras reminiscent of their individual colours as the mere pressure around them was incredible.

They all got into their battle stances before shooting towards one another at unimaginable speed. Their fist colliding with each other as a shockwave was sent through the place.

The force of the shockwave being powerful enough to send all the smoke in the area to blow away as well as crack the ground and shatter windows.


Izayoi could be seen fighting against Weser as he was currently holding his side as he still held his usual smile.

They noticed the constant shaking in the atmosphere as well as on the ground as they looked up to see blurs colliding with each other in the sky.

Izayoi grinned as both of them knew full well just who was causing these quakes, and with sheer physical strength as well.

"They're going at it!"

"Yes. And those two True Gods will soon fall to the might of Lord Yveltal and Lordess Xerneas. Just hope they don't destroy all of Little Garden during their battle."

"Hoh~? Sounds interesting."

"You're a strange kid."

"Anyway, you're not bad, Weser." Izayoi then spat some blood off to the side as he looked back at the demon. "You've gotten tougher, huh?"

"Of course I have." Weser responded as he landed on the ground. "I've gained divinity. My power has also been doubled since I'm now in my hometown. You won't get away this around!"

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now