Everything Goes Wrong

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“What the hell Ashton? You shot him. How could you? You did that on purpose right? I want to see him now.” Before I could stand up from the bed, he locked the door and came to stand in front of me. “You are not allowed to see him. You did wrong by hugging him. You are mine Emily. You should listen to me next time. I will really kill him if you do something bad. I did that because it was needed to be done.” He said not at all looking sorry.

“I Hate You.” I said with venom clear in my voice. Before he could do anything, I stood up, unlocked the door and ran away to the other bedroom on this floor. I locked it and sat down on the floor. I started crying loudly. How could he do this to me? He said he loved me but clearly he didn’t love me enough. He said he wouldn’t hurt me… but he’s doing all the things that hurt me really bad. I don’t know what to do anymore.

“Open this door Emily. Don’t do this to us. You know I love you and I wouldn’t have let you go. And that guy was being your source of leaving. I did warn you before that I’ll kill him but you didn’t listen.”

When I didn’t reply, he sighed and went away.

I couldn’t stop the guilt that I was feeling at the moment. It had been my fault that I liked Ashton Carter. It’s my fault that I made a friend who betrayed me with a secret. It’s my fault that I met Ashton that night. I should have gone away when I first saw him. It’s my fault that I m here today and Jake came to rescue me. And it’s my mistake that he is in pain. I don’t know what to do.

Everything was my fault and this was the reason that the tears weren’t stopping. I started sobbing loudly.

“Why? Why is this happening to me God? What did I ever do to deserve anything like this…?” I shouted. When I got tired, I stood up and wobbled my way to the mirror. I looked like hell. My eyes were sore, red and puffy. My hairs were tangled. My nose was red and my face was tear-streaked.

I went back and sat in the same position as before. I knew it was all my mistake and I should punish myself for it. The guilt was eating away at me and I could do nothing about it.

After one hour approximately, Ashton came again and knocked on the door.

“Emily I had given you space for one hour and I know you are hurting. But you need to come out.”

Again I didn’t reply and thought that he’ll go back. But he continued “Emily baby please don’t do this. You need to come out. I did that because it was necessary. And if you don’t come out, I’ll break the door.” he declared firmly.

“If you do that, I won’t talk to you, like ever.” My voice came out husky and croaked.

After that he didn’t said anything and hopefully went away.

After a lot of time passed, an idea popped in my head and I went to the bathroom. I searched for anything sharp. When I found a razor, I took it and with the blade I went to cut my wrist but before I could do that, someone barged into the bathroom and when I looked up, it was the devil himself.

“Wh…What are you doing Emily?” Ashton asked unsurely.

I smiled at him menacingly and backed away.

“You hurt me by hurting him didn’t you? And now as you say that you love me dearly, I m sure it will hurt you too if someone hurt me. So I m going to hurt you.” I stated.

“Emily sweetheart don’t do that…” he pleaded.

“Don’t do what? This?” saying that, I cut my wrist. A fountain of blood poured out and before anything could happen, Ashton reacted fast and ran towards me. He snatched the blade from me, threw it away and took me in his arms bridal style. I cried at the sudden pain. “Ashton get away from me. I don’t want you. I don’t need you.” I said.

“If you say anything else Emily I don’t know what I will do. So just shut up.” He growled out with so much ferocity that I unconsciously stopped. Because of the blood loss, I was feeling light headed. He headed to our room and after laying me down, he stopped and dressed my blood and wound.

I couldn’t find it in me to say anything. The pain, guilt, light-headedness and fear stopped me from doing so. After completing the dressing, he went away to change his clothes. When he came back, he sat on my side and stared at me intently.

“Our wedding is still on Emily. And you are going to attend it. The wound should be fine now and I’ll change the dressing tomorrow again. You shouldn’t put weight on that hand and you’ll be perfectly fine. Another thing is that I don’t care about anyone. I care about only you. So please don’t cry. I can’t send that guy away because he can say anything to anyone. So after treating his wound, I’ll see what to do with him. I want you to be happy about tomorrow. Also that I have some important work, so I had to limit the honeymoon period to 2 weeks. Emily you know exactly how much I love you. Just don’t be sad.”

 After finishing his speech, he kissed me on the forehead.

“You should go and get a shower or a bath. You have blood on your clothes.” He said looking softly at me.

I nodded at him and stood up to go the closet and chose some comfy Tee and pajama. I went to the bathroom and after getting all the dirt and blood off, I changed into the clothes and exited the bathroom.

Ashton was waiting for me in the bed. I went to the bed and after switching off the light, I lied down.

Soon, I felt his arms snaking around me and he pressed me close to his chest. “I love you and I m sorry.” He said softly. He kissed me on the lips but when I didn’t response, he pulled back.

Soon enough, I was engulfed by sleep. 

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