Worst nightmare

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Emily (POV)

When i regained my posture, i heard all those students talking to me. "Hey slut having a wittle crush on the bad boy aren't you?" "You are a whore. You sure as hell don't deserve him." "Why would Ashton want to waste his time with someone like you?"

"He deserves a hell lot better." "Bitch..! Who do you think you are? You can't go anywhere near him. He’s mine." i ran away from there not being able to listen to their comments. I was surely red in the face and i was trying really hard not to cry. This is not how i imagined my day. It was totally hell.

I could still hear their laughter and started to run a bit faster. Unfortunately this got me to fall and it caused me more humiliation. When i looked up i saw myself gazing in Ashton's eyes. Not believing myself he was here, i touched his cheek.

When he touched my cheek and wiped my tears, i noticed that i was crying. He helped me in standing up and that is when all those students rushed to where we were standing. That’s when i remembered that his cousin told me that Ashton was sick. Then how was he here?? I frowned. "What happened?" Ashton asked me.

The students answered for me. "She has got the hots for you" "maybe you should stay away from her" "she is a psychotic bitch." that's when Ashton's voice boomed "Enough". Everyone quietened down and instantly i felt his stare on me. 

"Do you like me Emily?" Ashton asked. i didn’t answered. Instead i looked down. He grabbed my chin and made me look in his memorizing blue sapphire like eyes. "Emily do you like me?" he asked again.

"Yes" i whispered quietly looking down. "What?" Ashton asked. "i said yes." I said a bit loudly. His hold on my shoulders died down and when i looked up i saw confusion and shock on his face. When he didn't reply or said anything. I shook him "Ashton?" I said. No response. I again shooked him but still no reply. I shook him a bit harder and that's when he snapped

"WHAT? what do you want to hear huh??". i was shocked that instinctively i took a step back. was this labelled as the day when i will lose all my friends?. when i recovered, i saw guilt and regret in his eyes. suddenly, i turned and started to run away from him.

i couldn't face him after i confessed that i did liked him. when i heard him running after me and calling my name. i ran faster. i will run away from here. i cannot see him again. i was so embarrassed. god i hate you Annabelle. i felt my cheeks getting wet. i was going to run away to my house. knowing Ashton he would certainly come after me but i was going to fool him.

my parents woudln't let him enter my house when i asked them to do so after telling them a lie. (i hated lying but in a situation like this i had no choice but to do it and if you are wondering that why can't i tell my parents the truth? then it'll embarrass me lot more). i will take my degree the day after tomorrow so that i don't have to face him and the others tomorrow seeing as the official ceremony of graduation was tomorrow.

i'll have to lie for that one too that i was ill or something because i don't have the guts to face him after all that happened and how he reacted. after handling everything here, i'll fly over to my aunt in California and study there as i already had it planned out. in all of my thinking, i reached my house and unlocked the door.

i ran upstairs to my room suddenly realizing that Ashton was still knocking on my door. good thing that my parents were surprisingly gone to a party as they left me a note on my desk. seems like i didn't had to lie then. i was exhausted, physically and mentally. i ran to my bed and ignoring his knocking, i cried myself to a nightmare-filled sleep.

 i just realized that i lost him. My best guy friend. My crush. My love. just because of Annabelle. and it was a horrible day to me. MY WORST NIGHTMARE.

My High School Crushजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें