"Ok, then I'm gonna go talk to everyone else. I sit down on the steps. "Hey, guys! What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing just being lazy." Dustin grins. "What have yall been up to?" He asked.

Worth walks off with his dad toward the stables.

"We went to see Daniel and Nancy and swapped pictures and then I had Worth take me to the graveyard to put flowers on Kevin's grave," I said.

"Well, that was nice of you to do sweetie." Josie smiles.

"Yeah we compared our baby pics and we looked so much alike it's amazing," I said.

"Did you take a pic? I would love to see." Chad said.

"Yeah, we took a picture side by side." I hand my phone over to Chad.

"Holy crap! You two look like the same baby." Chad laughs.

"I know right? We were all shocked." I smile.

Chad passes my phone around so everyone could see.

"Kevin was a sweet boy. He used to come to the ranch and play with the boys when they were young. He was so young." Josie said.

"I wish I would have got to meet him but I feel close to him with the stories people tell me," I said.

"So Chad tells us he's going to New York with you tomorrow?" Emerson said sitting down beside me on the steps.

I smack his leg. "Are you jealous?"

"Yes, I am. I would love to go." Emerson smiles.

"Why don't you son? Dustin and your dad can handle the ranch." Josie said.

"Oh, I don't want to put everything off on them mom," Emerson said.

"It would be fine Emerson if you want to go with them," Dustin said.

"I would love to take some pictures." Emerson smiled at Dustin.

"Emerson I really need some new headshots of the office. Maybe you can do that for me? I'll pay you of course." I said.

Before Emerson could answer Worth and his dad walked back around the porch.

"What's up, guys?" Worth sits on the other side of me.

"Oh just Emerson going with us." I wink at him. "He wants to take pictures and the office needs new headshots," I said.

"Oh, I see well I guess I have to go for sure then." Worth laughs

"Worth if you don't want me to go I'll stay here," Emerson said.

No Emerson I don't mind at all. I wasn't going to go myself but pops here talked me into it." Worth said.

"Yes, boys go and help Holland out. I cant wait to see our fruits being used in this skincare line. I cant wait to see what Chad comes up with. You all are so talented and Worth maybe give us a grandbaby soon?" Jack laughs.

I laugh out. "So that's his talent then pops?" Chad laughs.

"I didn't mean it like that." Jack laughs and everyone else laughs with him.

"I'll work on that pops." Worth wiggles his eyebrows at me. "We are going to take a ride around the ranch but we will be back in a bit.

Worth grabs my hand and we walk toward the barn where the side by side is.

Jack laughs as we walk off. "But Holland didn't seem opposed. Them two will get married soon. Just you wait." He said.

"I didn't know we were going for a ride?" I smile over at Worth.

"I figured we would get to making those babies." Worth chuckles.

I laugh... Then look seriously at him. "You really want to have babies with me?"

"Of course I do. I love you Holland. That is if you want babies I mean we would make beautiful babies." He said.

"I have always wanted kids but never put a time limit on it. But its something to think about." I smiled.

Worth stopped the side by side and parked. He turned sideways staring at me. "I know we are moving fast but you see this going somewhere between us right?" He asked.

"I do Worth. I know I live far away but we can make this work if we really want to." I said.

Worth leans in for a kiss. "I love you!"

"I love you too Worth." I smile and kiss him again.

The Seed Of Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now