The dark, hurtful, realization that Theo has been alive this whole time while I tried to move on, got drunk and kissed Kerr, and the other things I don't remember.

Then the flight we booked to Scotland, leaving in a few days.

The smile is wiped away from my face, replaced with no expression, although my heart and high pitched ringing in my ear would tell a different story.

How the hell do I tell him?

"Zara, what's going on?" I hear Julie, standing behind me with her hands in her leather jacket pockets, sunglasses too big for her face. "Jane told me I'd find you here."

"You're never going to believe this," I laugh, smiling, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the bench. "This is Theo."

"Holy shit," she said, eyes wide in shock.

Theo sits up, cocking a brow at Julie. "Who the fuck are you? Sorry..." he covers Teddy's ears. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Julie, duh, how- " she's cut off by another voice.

"Theo, we gotta go."

I hear my dad behind me, turning to see him hanging out a car window, waving his arm impatiently.

The next realization was that my dad knew about Theo and didn't tell me, he kept the secret that the love of my life was alive.

I took a few anger steps towards him, fist clenched. "You fucking knew?"

"I'll explain everything, babe, but we need to leave before someone notices me," Theo's knuckles brush my cheek, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers, leading me to the car with Theodore on his hip, tilting his head for Julie to follow too. "You may as well come, stranger."

"Julie," she snapped, glaring at him. I giggle, knowing he's just trying to piss her off.

My dad sits behind the wheel, facing forward, ignoring my death stare.

"It's too dangerous, get in the car," my dad said, pointing his thumb over his should to the back seat.

The third realization, everyone hates Theo and at the beginning, we were mobbed daily, victims of abusive words hurled at us, sometimes objects too. What does this mean now he's alive, will the cops be after him?

Theo stopped Julie from opening the back door, pointing to the front. "You sit there."

"Is he always a prick?" She asked me, shaking her head. I laugh again, nodding to my friend, seeing Theo trying to hold back a smirk.

Fuck, I missed this man so much.

Theo sat in the back seat with us both, still holding our son on his lap with the belt around them, hand still grasping mine, running his thumb along my skin, kissing each knuckle. "You've no idea how much I missed you both."

My dad, the ignorant man, butts in. "You need to lay low until we figure out how to get you out of the country, Theo. I can try to get you a fake passport as I did for Zara."

"Wait, it was Grace who got mine," I interrupt, staring at him through the mirror, eyes identical to mine staring back.

"No, I did. Grace asked me to arrange it all for you and Jane."

Shit, Jane's packing and waiting for me to go back to the center so we can leave. "Jane thinks I'm coming back, we're supposed to go to a hotel tonight."

"She can come with us too, I have a safe house that you can stay at."

Since when did my dad have all this shit?

My dad agreed to pick her up in a few hours. Sending Jane a message not to worry and I'll see her soon.

"This doesn't change a thing, I still don't forgive you."

Theo squeezes my hand, his dimple popping when he gives me a side smile, kissing my cheek for the fifth time in the past minute.

Julie looks confused, pulling down her sun visor and opening up the mirror to look at me, having a full conversation with facial expressions and eyebrow control.

My dad drove into an underground car park, entering a code to open the gates, giving a thumbs up to the cameras overhead.

"I can't stop looking at you," Theo whispered against my ear, sending shivers everywhere, nudging me with his nose and opening the door for us to get out, following behind my dad as he pushed the button for the elevator.

"I'm still lost," Julie hooks her arm in mine. "What's going on? And I'm not asking you, Theo, I'm speaking to Zara so keep your snarky comments to yourself."

Theo laughs loudly, rubbing his hand down his face and pointing at Julie. "I like her."

I knew he would. They're both foul-mouthed and dirty-minded, unfiltered. "I'll let you know when I do."

"Is he awake?" My dad said into his cell, sighing at whoever responds. "Okay, keep him still we're on our way down."

Instead of going up, the elevator starts to descend, the glass showing total darkness, nearly forever until blinding bright lights flash in, making me screw my eyes up until they adjust.

"Who's awake?" I ask Theo, hands still joined, feeling his lips on my skin every couple of minutes.

The metal doors slide open, revealing a hospital-like setting. Four beds at each corner of a small room, dirty, dull-looking brick walls, bright lamps scattering the floor for light.

I notice him instantly, standing in the middle of the room, wires hanging off him, two men holding his arms as he struggles to get them off, teeth clenched, sweat dripping down his top, hair messed.

"Thomas?" I start walking towards him, releasing my hand from Theo's.

"Not a fucking chance!" I hear Julie yell, yanking me back by the shoulder and barging past me. My eyes widen when she lands a right hook across his face, knocking him back into the men's arms. "You'll stay the fuck away from Zara, unless you want me to deal with."

"Well, now I really fucking like her."


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