Chapter 15 (Edited)

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So a few readers were disgruntled by the ending of this story so I added one and a half chapter for closure. Hopefully this time it will be a better ending. Let me know in Chapter 16 what you think.

 A few conversations have been added below. 

One week later

Gulf: "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I was out of it"

Mild: "but still you promised"

Gulf: "shouldn't we be mad that he took advantage of me when I was out of it?"

Mild: (thinking)

Gulf: "and it's weird that I was in the bathroom with him alone. Couldn't have forced him to kiss me when I didn't have the strength to stand up?"

Mild: "the bastard. No wonder he kept on asking for your number."

Gulf: "right!"

Mild: "if he hates weak people then he likes strong and confident people by default. Should've guessed."

Gulf: "I'm sorry still."

Mild: "you look so much better."

Gulf: "yeah?"

Mild: "I'm surprised you're alone right now. You're always together now."

Gulf: (sighs heavily) "yeah. About that do you want to go somewhere and hangout?" 

Mild: "sure let's go"

Gulf: "ok let's hurry"

Mild: "or not" (Points behind Gulf. As Mew is approaching)

Gulf: (breathing out) "nooo"

Mew: (hugs Gulf from behind.) "You ready to go?" 

Gulf: "can I go with Mild? I'll come to your apartment after"

Mew: "Mild can come too"

Gulf: "I just want to be with Mild today"

Mew: (hesitant) "I don't know, cant I just tag along?"

Gulf: "I just need some space. We've been together all week I need some air and a friend"

Mew: (understanding) "I'm sorry"

Gulf: "it's ok"

Mew: "if you're tired after that you can just head home. I'll call you before bed." (Pecks Gulf cheek.) "Love you."

Gulf: (nods) "l love you too"

Mild: "wow did you guys reverse your roles now?"

Gulf: "what?"

Mild: "you just asked for space. Something you never knew before."

Gulf: (in realisation)"aah so this is what it feels like."

Mild: "this is what feels like"

Gulf "the feeling of someone hovering and being clingy "

Mild: "that defines you precisely"

Gulf: "hey that's offensive..... I'm learning you know"

Mild: "you sure are"

Gulf: "it's like I'm seeing the world through his eyes now."

Mild: "what really happened that made you lose it?"

Gulf: "it's a long story"

Mild: "still want to hear it. We're hanging out right?"

Gulf: (as they are walking) "I was a mess. (Takes a deep breath) So I admit I was a free spirit that's who I am as a person. Just outspoken and expressive and it was too much for him. He loves me but he couldn't love those imperfections that came with the person. People offending me was ok with me because they don't give me air to breathe

Mild: (interrupting) "and he does?"

Gulf: (Blushing) "he gives me more than that"

Mild: "I'll ask no more continue"

Gulf: "hearing the insults from his mouth was different. I just couldn't take it. There was a clash of some sort inside of me. The me that I've always been and the me that he wanted and it painful to decide who to be. I couldn't choose one without feeling like I had betrayed the other"

Mild: "sounds interesting"

Gulf: (looking at him) "not sad?"

Mild: "psychologically it could make a great thesis"

Gulf: (rolls his eyes) "I'm never telling you stuff again"

Mild: (laughs but it fades when they're face to face with Champ)

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