Evan has been fooling around for a while now and I never really got answers to my questions. "I get that you are mad at me because I cheated on you, which I never did again after you told me I was going to be a father. I don't get why you had to kick her out the way you did and you don't have the right to do that." he said. He finally admitted that he has been cheating and that w
as the first thing I pointed out. "This is my house and I can  kick her out. She is the reason you don't sleep at home, the reason our marriage is falling apart right now. Like I said, if you want to, you can follow her. Evan before you shout at me again, just know at point you have to choose between a wife and a girlfriend. You can't have both." I concluded with intentions of going straight to my room but I realized I was really hungry so I decided to head to the kitchen. I didn't want to eat whatever it is that thy cooked. As I walked past him he pulled me back so hard that if it wasn't for one of the chairs, I would have fallen down. I still bumped myself into the chair pretty bad.

He just crossed a line.

I balanced myself back to my feet and slapped him really hard. "Wow! You are even laying your hands on me now? She must be really something special. What the hell is wrong with you? I am pregnant for goodness sake!" I shouted angrily. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." he said with a stupid look on his face and I didn't really care if he meant the apology or not. I do not even recognize the Evan in front of me because he is not the Evan I married two and a half years ago.

"There is one question that crosses my mind every day, and it is how I ended up marrying someone like you." I said and made my way to the kitchen. I had already lost my appetite so I just took a scoop of ice-cream and sat on the kitchen counter. As much as I thought I knew Evan, each and everyday I see a side I didn't even know existed. I couldn't help but wonder if the three years we have been together before we got married was just an act for him. It makes me so mad that I didn't notice or maybe I was just so in love with him that I overlooked the bad qualities. Seems like I was in way over my head and I was paying for it right now.

I finished my ice-cream and went to my room. Like I didn't have enough in one day, I found Evan waiting for me in my room. I sat on my bed and started looking in my drawers for a good novel. "Liz, are you alright? Should I take you to go see the doctor?" He asked. It didn't sound anything like an apology I was expecting. "I am fine. If I go to the doctor right now, what reason do I give Dr Whitney for coming in this late? Oh I know, I will just tell her that my husband was so angry that I kicked out his girlfriend that he took it out on his pregnant wife. I am sure it doesn't sound that bad, or does it? " I said with so much sarcasm.

"Stop making feel worse please. Liz, I am so sorry. I just let my emotions get the best of me." he said. I looked at him talking about emotions that I felt sick. "You lost it over a friend? She must be a different type of friend if even the person you are married to doesn't get that type of treatment. Please learn to keep your emotions in check. If not for me, then do it for my baby." I said. "He is our baby Liz, ours." Ihe replied immediately.

I was really getting tired of this conversation. I just didn't see the relevance of it and I clearly did not see it taking it us anywhere. "Well, keep sleeping around and you will have another one with Suzanne as well." I said switching off my lights. I heard the door closing, which meant that he left. I was finally able to breathe.

The following day was a Saturday, I didn't have to go to work. I woke up late and headed straight to the kitchen because I was hungry. I didn't know what it is that I felt like eating, I really just needed food like right now. I found the breakfast already at the table with a note from Evan saying he went to the pick up Laura. He wrote his name on the note, which funny knowing that it is just him and I at home. I mean I didn't see it being necessary. The eggs and bacon looked great, but I knew it wasn't going to do the trick. I was way too hungry for bacon and eggs so I looked in the fridge and decided to warm last night's food. I have really been eating a lot lately but I don't mind at all.

Erastus called to check on how the preparations were coming. We spoke but I didn't mention anything about what happened last night. Erastus is like that big brother that I tell almost everything but if I said something about it, especially the part where I almost fell then he would have gone to look for Evan and it would be bas for everyone. So I just had to keep all to myself even though Evan does deserve a beating.

Evan and Laura returned half an hour later and she couldn't stop talking about her sleepover. I suggested she and I to go shopping and she was down for it. She went to her room to change and i waited for her in the living room. "Going to buy things for the baby already?" Evan asked. "No, I am just 13 weeks pregnant, I think it is too early. I just need some clothes." I said calmly. I was not in the mood for another argument so I decided to play nice. He shouldn't get used to it is though. "When it's the right time, please let me know. I wouldn't miss it for the world." he said.

Deep down I added to his statement about how I am sure he would miss it for Suzanne. I didn't say it out loud. Laura came back rushing. "Liz, I am ready. I want a new phone covers well. Daddy is it okay if I go use your credit card instead? Actually we are going to use your credit card." she said in a way that was supposed to be a question but that is just Laura and her father. Evan gave the credit card to me with a shrug. He knows very well that he was going to regret it because Laura shop's like there's no tomorrow. Shopping with her is even more stressful.

"Is it alright if I have the guys over so we watch a football match?" Evan asked. I was surprised he even asked because usually I just find my living room dirty with men staring at the TV like their lives depend on it. "Sure, but keel two things in mind, one, don't mess up my living room, and two, do not touch my ice-cream. We clear?" I asked authoratively. He replied with a "yes maan " and Laura and I decided to leave

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Thank you guys so much for the love and support. Do point out my mistakes and comment because sometimes I just type and don't go through.


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