"Chill.", Lisa said into the phone before calmly explaining the whole situation.

"Oh. Phew! I seriously thought we'd lose her this time. It's no biggie. Just explain this to Seokjin oppa. I'm sure he'll be fine with it."

"Yes. He'll be TOTALLY fine with his beloved sister being at their house without his prior permission. I'm sure he'll reward me with all the chocolate in the world."

"See there? You got your solution. Now let me get back to my stupid work. I gotta pickup Chaeng from the bookstore after this."

"Fine. I'll figure it out myself this time."

"Thanks for understanding, our monkey"

"You're welcome-
Ooh and one more thing.."


"I don't like the guy either but please don't lose your temper. Imagine how heartbroken Chaeng and Soo would be if they found out you're in jail?"

"You know how to make sure I remain grounded. Thanks monkey."

"Like I said, the two of us gotta help eachother out in this cruel world. Bye, take care."

"You too monkey. Call me after you contact Jin oppa. Bye."

Lisa huffed out a sigh.

"Why do you have to be so hard Jisoo?"


Jennie disconnected the call and turned to face Jungkook.

"For your kind information, I became the hall monitor due to my excellence. The only reason I can't introduce myself properly in front of you is because you're kinda scary..noona". Jungkook quickly added the "noona" to show that he respects her.

"I'm not scary. You're just too jumpy. Now, what did I teach you?"

"Be a gentleman. Stop being jumpy. Man up. Mr. Hall monitor would die before he got a girlfriend if this keeps up.", Jungkook read out from the notes he'd been taking.

"Good. So we're done here ok? Don't mess this up Goldilocks.", Jennie said, giving the younger a glare that could have put the sun's glare to shame.

"Yes Noona.", Jungkook piped. He was determined to show the female that he was a good candidate for her friend.

Jennie softened her glare just a tad bit. She held his shoulder by her hands, her grip tight.
"Don't mess this up.", She said again, this time in a softer, more pleading manner. Jungkook noticed this. He finally dared himself to look into her eyes.

Jennie's eyes looked guarded, as if they were shielding emotions for a long time, as if she'd practiced closing her mind off. But, they showed concern, pure sincere concern. Jungkook knew it wasn't for him. Maybe she was concerned because this was her best friend he was going to try and court. Jungkook knew better than to ask.

She turned around and left, without another word. The shorter hadn't turned back even once.

Jungkook could've sworn he heard Jennie sniffle. He heard another muffled sound. It took him a while to decipher.

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