Qn'A + Bloopers = Bonus

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Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Qn'A! In this portion, all of your questions will be answered.

So our First question, was asked by our dear Virus_Night!

Q: Why was Geno a bit harsh to his younger brother, Error?

A: Geno wasn't exactly harsh to Error, he was only being overprotective, cause of what had happened in the past. And because of it, Geno grew more protective than normal.

So our next Question came from our lovely cactus223! This question is asked for Error!

Q: Error, will you be waiting for Ink forever?

Error: Well yeah, but I'm starting to lose hope for him to come back. I tried my hardest to stay patient, but it's easier said, than done.

Alright! Last question came from our dear ReginaGamerX. This question is asked for Lust!

Q: Hi Lust! How are things with you and Horror?

Lust: We're doing fine! Me and him actually have a healthy relationship. So yeah, *awkward noises*

That's all for the Qn'A Portion! Up Next is Bloopers. Buckle up your seatbelts! Cause we're gonna go time travel!

Chapter 17: Blooper Scene.
Dedicated to: Virus_Night

Error sat up from the grass, rubbing his tired eyesockets. He checked his phone and his eyesockets quickly widen. 64 messages, 12 missed calls from Geno, and 3 messages from Fresh. Geno is gonna throw a fit.

Author: Alright! That was  perfect!

Error: I know-

Error was tackled to the ground by Geno. His older brother punched and slapped him in the face. Oh, how Error thought that the missed calls and texts were just scripted.

Geno: You dipshit! You didn't came home, last night! I was worried sick!

Error: Ow, Geno! Ow! Stop! I'm fine!

Geno: Fine?! FINE?! If you were killed on the spot, how are you gonna be fine?!

Error: Nobody is gonna kill me here, it's a private place!

Geno: It still has a higher chance that you're gonna be killed!

Error: But there was a bodyguard here last night!

Geno: I don't care!

Geno kept on throwing punches and slaps to Error, while Error kept on blocking him.

Author: Blue, turn the extra camera off, we're gonna help Error.

Blue: Alright. Bye!

Chapter 19: Blooper Scene
Dedicated to: cactus223

Author: Is everyone ready?

Nightmare, Le camera man: Yup!

Author: Alright! Start the camera.

Ink: There's something I want to tell you for a while.

Error: What is it?

Ink: I.....I like you alot.

Geno, Blue and Dream: Aww~

Sci: Shut up you three.

Blue: Meanie!

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