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Leon Topaz was waiting for the English professor, a short round woman with fried straight black hair and hawk black eyes she hid with contact lenses, to finish. From time to time, he would tap his foot on the floor, look at his iPhone, then look back at the digital clock hanging over the door, just waiting to leave.

"Topaz, back in class." It might be a cultural thing or just basic interest in him but Mrs Robins, the almost divorced fourty-something year old woman with two kids (a ten year old boy and a twelve year old annoying as heck preteen girl), had something against him, not in the wrong way, but not in th right way either.

"Yes Mrs Robins." Leon said. The eyes of the students around him stared unblinking but Leon just stared back, daring them with his eyes until they looked away and back at the video playing on the: five tricky questions you'll encounter in Grad school, they were encouraging students to go to Grad school as if spending almost ten years in elementary school, doubled with six years throughout middle to highschool, and finally another four years at University for an undergraduate degree would make another student interested in a Graduate degree.

"Now, as I was saying, this so called 'winter break' shouldn't be wasted on food and family and unnecessary family reunions, I want each and everyone of you to study hard." Mrs Robins said. "Before you know it, an international student could join in, and you know how smart those students from Nigeria or India are, you all know."

Christmas is basically for food, presents, family, and maybe honouring the birth of Jesus Christ, no, it is all about the birth of Jesus Christ. The only Lord and personal savoir of Leon's African mom, the man who walked on water, turned another water into wine, and healed all types of sick people. That same Jesus Christ, because there's none like him, is the reason for Christmas.

"So I'm going to hand out projects to all of you, I want it sent to my email before December 25 because, you can all bring silly excuses as to why your niece ate it even though it's meant to be on your laptop, or how you were 'too busy telling Santa what you want for Christmas'. No excuses!"

Leon gets it now, he stops tapping his feet and stops looking at his phone worried about missing the appointment, instead, he looks at Mrs Robins. She's lonely. Yes she has kids and yes she isn't fully divorced yet, but she's lonely, a sad woman who married late and have birth even later, to any man who would accept her and now, she's divorcing that same man soon enough.

"The topic's about-" The electric bell echoed out the door, busy students rushing to their next class to get front row seats were out the door before Mrs Robins could even say another word. With a dejected sigh, she just looked at the flocking students and said: "Class dismissed. Have a lovely Christmas and a better New year, see you all January!"

Leon was among the last set of people leaving the class, he smiled at Mrs Robins although she didn't see his smile but rather ran her stressed out hand on her face, Leon decided to wish her a Merry Christmas, she needed a ray of sunshine.

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