Waking Up In A New World

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Ritsuka's POV

Argh, my head. I think I fell onto a cold hard floor. In any case I brushed it off and I saw four guys with different weapons. One was a shield, like my Kouhai, one was Spear, probably like a typical Lancer, one was a Sword, like a Typical Saber, and one with a bow, like a typical Archer.

The Archer, Lancer, and Saber are talking high and mighty that they should be compensated for them being summoned here, while the Shielder is just trying to keep the peace. I looked at my right hand to see that I still have my command seals. Maybe I can summon my Heroic Spirits here to help me out.

In Chaldea.

3rd POV

Everyone was trying to find Ritsuka, but to no avail. Jack the Ripper was crying due to them not seeing their big brother. Mash Kyrielight is looking with Sherlock Holmes and Professor James Moriarty to look for clues in the Library where Ritsuka had supposedly went missing.

Mash: "Any luck on finding some clues?"

Moriarty: "None here. I'm afraid."

Sherlock on the other hand used one of his Noble Phantasms to recreate on what happened in the library. To his surprise, he gestured Mash and Moriarty to follow him to where Ritsuka had vanished.

Mash: *picks up the book that Ritsuka was reading* "The Four Cardinal Heroes?"

Sherlock: "Let's go ask Nursery if she knows the author of this book."

Moriarty: "Right you are Holmes."

Mash: "Hai."

Sherlock walks out of the Library to find Nursery Rhyme, along with Mash Kyrielight and Professor James Moriarty. They're hoping that they can find their master by doing this. Mash is concerned on what is happening now. She hopes that her Senpai is okay.

Back in Melromarc.

Ritsuka's POV

I was with the four so called heroes, who's names were Naofumi, Itsuki, Ren, and Motoyasu. Motoyasu just insulted Naofumi that the shielder class is the lowest class of all. I take offense to that.

Me: "You know Motoyasu, that's insulting."

Motoyasu: "Oh yeah, what are you going to do? You don't even have a legendary weapon and you're not a Legendary hero." *snickers*

I got a little mad at that and then I used my abilities as a Master of Chaldea and I try to summon a servant.

At Nursery Rhyme's room.

Mash's POV

I was with Nursery, Sherlock, and Moriarty and Nursery told us that the book is magical and it sent Master into a place called Melromarc and that he's currently with the four cardinal heroes. Honestly I'm worried, Senpai doesn't have anyone with him. He doesn't have any formal combat experience and he only has magic on his side.

Nursery: "In any case, we need to ask all of the Casters to open up a portal to this world or master will die."

Sherlock: *nods* "I'll tell Leonardo about this development."

Me: "I'll go and tell the Casters. Jackie is busy coping it with training."

But before I can walk out of the door, I was enveloped by a bright light.

In Melromarc

3rd POV

After a successful summoning, all of the cardinal heroes were in shock on who was with them.

Shield Hero meets Shielder Servant. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora