chapter 19: the bash

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Addison's point of view
Ok. Breath Addison. Just relax, and enjoy the party with Bryce, but don't enjoy it too much, so JJ doesn't find out. Haha. Got it? Good.

We walked inside the house and a happy but very drunk high school student comes to the door. "Hola me amigos! Welcome to mi casa. Make yourselfs at home but don't break anything" he says.

"HA! Just kidding. Break what ya want all up in this bitch. No cops though" he screams, getting the whole crowd in the house hype.

"HEY DONT PLAY PONG WITHOUT ME!" He yells again, and runs into the living room of the massive house.

I laugh as I see the boy running over to the table, making it just in time for the game to begin. "TOURNAMENT TIME!" He yells. "Wanna be partners?" Bryce asks me.

"You should go with Tayler. I'm not the best" I say. As a matter of fact, I've never even played in my entire life. Bryce takes my hand in his and gives me a sigh.

"Sweet Face, I want you as my partner. We win together, lose together. Always" he says, kissing my knuckles. I show him a shy smile as I hide the blush on my cheeks.

"SIGN US UP!" I yell to the drunk boy, and he puts up a rockstar sign. "ROCK ON!" He yells, and me and Bryce go over to him to put us in the competition.

Tayler and Dixie are right behind us, signing up as well. After a few minutes, the drunk boy gets up on the table. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE. THE PONG TOURNAMENT IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. GO TO YOUR TEAM CORNERS!" He yells.

All is hectic in this part of the house. Eventually all the teams participating are spread out. The drunk boy along with his friends push the table to the middle. It's like a cage match, but better.

"Okay first teams up! Janessa and Josh vs Adam and Elizabeth!" Someone yells, and the teams go to their sides of the table. "I told you to call me Nessa!" A girl on one side yells. "Sorry Janessa baby" Josh says, kissing her cheek.

It's an intense match. But the w goes to Nessa and Josh. They head out and the next match is up. "Tayler and Dixie vs Kio and Griffin" and the teams go to the table.

Tayler and Dixie barely make it through the match, and eventually lose to the two boys. Kio and Griffin chest bump then Griffin winks at Dixie.

Dixie rolls her eyes, and smiles up at Tayler, holding him close as they sit on the L couch watching the game.

"Ok, Bryce and Addison vs Blake and Abby!" The announcer says and I get nervous. Bryce notices this, and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Just do your best ok?" He whispers and I nod.

The game begins. I miss the first couple of times but I get the hang of it and eventually pull through. Bryce on the other hand never missed a shot. We win effortlessly and high five.

More games pass by. Me and Bryce win against all of our opponents and we make it to the finale. Along with Mads and Jaden, and 2 other teams.

Mads and Jaden lose to Kio and Griffin, and me and Bryce beat the other team. It's down to me and Bryce vs Kio and Griffin.

The game starts. We're off to a rocky start, and Kio and Griffin got it in when me and Bryce missed a couple, but we caught up to them and now we're neck to neck, with only one cup left.

It's my turn to toss. And I get nervous and I shake. "Home girl won't make it!" Griffin yells, and Kio hyped it up.

Bryce gives me a dirty look. "Ignore them. They're talking big talk cause they know you got this" Bryce whispers and I turn to face him.

"I don't know Bryce, maybe I should just forfeit my turn" I say, but Bryce wasn't here for it. "No listen. They know they're done. You're fine. Look Tayler and Dixie believe in you" he points and I see them rooting for me.

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