chapter 11 : what if?

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Bryce's point of view
I lay in bed, thoughts racing throughout my brain. What do I do? Am I gonna tell Jaden? I feel like I have to now.

Addison wouldn't like that, and I know she wouldn't. So maybe I'll vaguely hint at it. There's no harm in doing that.

I hear Jaden opening the door and I head over to him. "So man... I had sex. In my room. So don't go in there all right?" I say.

"Dude gross. Don't bring girls here and get into that fuckboy habit again. I won't go in there. Just clean up is all I ask. Did she leave yet?" He said and I nodded. Well it was true.

"Is Addison here?" Jaden said, and I shook my head. "I saw her leave with a pack of clothes. May be having a sleepover at a friends house?" I say in reply.

We both sit on the couch and relax. "Movie?" Jaden asks. "Hell yeah. It's definitely been a hot minute since we hung out alone. Just don't fall asleep like a pussy" I say and we both laugh.

"Yeah that's facts dude. Catch me up on your life" Jaden asked, turning to face me.

"But first I have a question" I say as Jaden pushes back his hair out of his eyes.

I never noticed before but they are a close match to Addison's. I like her eyes better though, from the way they always sparkled whenever she saw me.

"So like, what if I knew that Addison was with someone. Would you wanna know?" I said.

Jaden stay silent for a moment. Oh god, did he already know? We're we gonna fight again?

"Well, yeah I would like to know. Sure it would hurt my sister but I want what's best for her" he says.

Whew. So he didn't think it was me. Thank god though, because he was my best friend, and I would hate to fight with my best friend.

"Ya know before Addison left, she uh explained to me how she really wants to date. When will ya let her?" I say.

I know, it's a lie. But it's only like a little white lie. Plus I really wanna know.

"Well, I will let her date when I feel she is capable of staying strong. Our parents are gone, and she doesn't have anyone but me to go to if her heart ever breaks"

"Now, of course I will always be here to cheer her up, but I never want her to feel pain. I want her to take time to learn how to be strong when it comes to relationships"

"So that when the time comes, she will realize that she doesn't need to cry over a dumb ass boy who broke her." Jaden said, not stuttering or even a second.

Wow. What a speech. I clap and he rolls his eyes. "Go make popcorn you dope" he says and I laugh standing up.

As I walk away he says "Oh and Bryce" and I turn around.

"If she was ever going to start dating anytime soon, I want you to be her first boyfriend. But don't tell her, cause I know she doesn't like you" he says.

I give him a smile. "Thanks for the honors chief. Now go pick a movie before I pick some awful shit that I like" I say as he quickly grasps for the remote.

But before I go he says "and when I say that, I don't openly invite you to date my sister dude. I just prefer you over other guys."

I give him a thumbs up as I get to the kitchen and start on the popcorn.

As I was making popcorn I go back and reflect on how happy I am to have Jaden as my friend.

He and I played football together, and he even got me to join the team. He was more into music and singing, so he didn't try out. But he would have been great.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have a football scholarship to Princeton which is pretty cool.

If it weren't for him I wouldn't have met the coolest girl on the planet, Sweet Face.

If it weren't for him, I would still be on the streets, just like my parents. Although they left each other so technically they are in a relationship with different rich people so they aren't on the streets.

I would not be living my best life if it weren't for Jaden. Hell, I wouldn't be alive without Jaden. He is my family and I love him like a brother.

"DUDE DO NOT BE A DUMB ASS AND BURN THE POPCORN!" He yells and I smile. Classic Jaden.

I get the popcorn and I sit down next to him. He plays the movie and we begin to watch.

Turns out we both become pussys and sleep throughout the whole damn movie. Sounds like something we would do.

I wake up and the credits roll. Thank god Jaden is still sleeping, or else I would not hear the end of it.

I carry him bridal style to his room. I tuck him into bed and give him a cheek kiss.

As I leave I stand in the doorway watching him inhale and exhale for air as he sleeps peacefully.

"I love you, man" I whisper, and hit my chest with my fist. I close the door and clean up the theater.

I head to my room. I get in bed and a few minutes later I hear my door open.

It's Jaden. He hops into my bed and under the covers.

He hugs my body, and although this feels like really weird, he's my bro so I let it go.

Addison's point of view
We get inside and we head up to Dixie's room. "Guys, Tayler is literally the best!" Dixie says.

Aw. My heart is pinched for her. "He brought me flowers and my favorite chocolates!" She said, showing them to us.

"I wish Anthony would do that for me! But I get cuddles though so it's fine" Avani said, and we squeal for her.

"What about your boo, Ad?" Dixie said. "What boo? You know I'm not aloud to date!" I say.

"Really? Is Bryce an exception then?" Avani said, and I blushed as my response.

"Well yeah about that... we had sex" I say and they go crazy.

"Ad, he's the fuckboy of the school!" Avani said. "No, I made him have sex with me. In fact, in a way I felt like the dominant one" I say shyly.

"Um Ad... SPILL!" Dixie said and I roll my eyes, not wanting to tell them.

"We won't tell, Ad, we promise" Avani said, and I believed her.

"Well basically I caught him off guard and when he tried to speak I told him to shut up and then it happened" I said. They went crazy yet again.

"AHHH!" was all they would scream for the next five minutes. I screamed along with them. It was exciting.

The rest of the night we spent spilling tea on girls at our school, then we got into bed and watched a movie in bed.

But Avani and Dixie fell asleep during the first half. I finished the movie, turned off the tv, and laid in bed.

I thought about me and Bryce having sex, and I smiled as drifted off, knowing I wanted to do it again.
Thanks for waiting! Comment down ideas please! Tomorrow I am spending a whole day writing so I need a lot of ideas for this book cause I'm running out. That doesn't mean it's gonna end soon, although it is coming to a close, I just need more suggestions so please comment or dm me some please. And vote and all that good stuff. 🦋🦋🦋

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