chapter 1 : sweet face

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Addison's point of view
Hey y'all it's me Addison Hossler, but I bet all the guys already know that. I am really awkward and shy with glasses and long brown hair with light eyes. I am 16 years old, still single, and haven't gotten my first kiss yet.

You can thank my brother, Jaden Hossler, for my love life. He is 2 years older than me, but he makes it feel like he's my dad!

Our mom passed away and my dad is always on business so me and Jaden mostly have the mansion to ourselves. Jaden always has his girlfriend Mads over, and she is super nice to me.

The only knowledge I have on love is romance books. I mean yeah I have had crushes but I was always shy and afraid to talk to them. And plus Jaden would scare them away as usual.

I never really understood why Jaden wanted me to not date and stay away from boys. I mean, I was always pure and all, and was nice to everyone and never caused trouble. I still wonder to this day why he is so protective over me. But that's beside the point.

But what is love, really? I guess I will never find out. My best friend Dixie is like my saving grace from my brother's rules because all she talks about is boys. She has hooked up with so many boys I have lost count already. She's coming over today to work on our history presentation.

I'm sure she will have an answer to my question, I think as I hear the doorbell. I skip to the door and open it, and see a tall boy standing at the door. My mouth goes wide as I see Bryce walking inside.

Bryce Hall is Jaden's best friend, and has been since they were mere months old. My first real memory of Bryce was of him giving me a tissue for the booger coming out my nose when I was five. It was sweet, but he didn't look so cute: glasses, braces, flat haired, and skinnier than a string bean.

That was my only encounter with Bryce, because I mostly just stayed in my room and read while the boys played football outside. Sometimes I would watch them play outside, then go back to reading.

My mouth was open because damn did he get a glow up! He got a perm, muscles, contacts, and even his braces were off. He was so attractive, and I didn't even recognize him at first.

"You got a little bit of drool on your chin" he says, rubbing his finger against the skin of my chin. Wowza was he hot! I went back to reality and realized there was no drool on my chin, and slapped his hand away.

"Wow! Sweet face isn't happy to see me!" He says, walking to the living room. Ugh! I hate that damn nickname that he has for me. sweet face. Elk !

I used to eat a lot of sweets as a kid, and even had containers of it in my room. They snuck into my room one time and looked at it, and that's when he had the idea to call me sweet face. They are still there, but I don't stuff my face with them like I used to.

"Classic Bryce, stupidly charming" I say, closing the door and following him to the living room. "At least I am charming, sweet face" he says and I roll my eyes. He then gets really close to my face. I blush a little.

"My brother wouldn't like it much to see you this close to me" I say holding his gaze. A little smirk goes on his face. "You'll keep my secret, won't you sweet face?" He says, kissing my forehead and trotting to the kitchen. That boy has a hold on me now?

I stand there, stunned, then hear the doorbell. I shrug my shoulders and head for the door. I open it to see Dixie and I hug her. I drag her up the stairs and before I shut the door I hear a voice yell from the kitchen, saying with a laugh "Do I need to tell your brother you are a lesbian now sweet face?"

I go down the stairs and stick my tongue out at him then go back upstairs and close the door to my room. He really has me heated now. But as I think about it more and more he's right: people are gonna think I am a lesbian if I don't do something about it.

[ and btw, when I wrote this, I did not mean it as a bad thing. It is not a bad thing. If you found this rude and shady, I apologize personally. Would never want that vibe to come off from a story! :) ]

But I push that to the back of my mind as I get to Dixie, tell her what happened with Bryce, and we started on our history presentation. I hear a knock on the door and it's Jaden.

I give him a quick hug and he tells us to go downstairs to eat dinner. Damn, it's already dinner time? When Dixie arrived it was 12 pm! Damn, well, we get downstairs and sit at the table to eat.
to be continued...
What will happen next? Stay tuned for chapter 2 of my brother's best friend.


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