chapter 14 : phew

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Addison's point of view

Today will not be the day where JJ finds out about me and Bryce. I tap Bryce's shoulder and whisper "JJ is here" and he starts freaking out.

"What are we gonna do? You realize he's gonna kill me right?" He says and I nod. JJ beat him up once, he'll do it again.

"Ok um I have an idea. Wipe your face" I say, giving him a rag. But before that I quickly ran to his private bathroom and wet it.

"Why?" He whispered and I hit his shoulder. "Just do it!" I say and he complies due to the adrenaline.

I walk out like I am sneaking out and close the door silently. Maybe he was still at the door and wouldn't notice me.

I will warn you right now that is not the case.

"What were you two doing?" JJ said, scaring me cause I didn't know he was there to begin with.

"Woah, bro, don't sneak up on me like that you scared me" I say. Bro, really?

"Um... okay? What's up with the new attitude?" JJ said in confusion. "Well me and Bryce have been spending more time together. I see why you guys are friends. He's a cool dude" I let out. Dude?

"With the language you're using, you have definitely been spending time with Bryce" he says and we laugh, "so what were you guys doing just now?"

I hated lying to JJ. At this point, he was the only family I got. But he was also overprotective so I can't just say well me and your best friend we're just kissing in there and you ruined it. And we also had sex in that room to make things worse.

"He was the only one in the house and I got bored. So I did his makeup. And I was checking to see if it looked good because of Friday night's bash party" I say. I wasn't gonna go, but I guess now I have no choice.

"I have a feeling your lying to me" JJ said, and I grew nervous. Shit, how does he know? JJ is really good at reading people, especially me.

"Oh come on JJ you know I would never lie to you. And plus Bryce is washing his face with water and a rag in his room. Check it out" I say, opening Bryce's door.

JJ gives me one long look. It felt like it was never going to be over. "Ok Ads. I'm gonna go talk to Bryce. I'll see you at dinner" he said and I smiled.

"Can't wait!" I said, turning around and walking up the stairs to my room. Phew. Thank god it's over now. Now it was up to Bryce to sell our secret.

Bryce's point of view
Addison gets out of my room and leaves me in my room with a wet rag and a lot of questions. What the fuck was I supposed to do with this thing?

Then I hear her talking to Jaden. I didn't get much of the conversation though, all I heard was "Bryce is washing his face with a wet rag inside". Oh that's what the rag is for.

I start wiping my face as Jaden enters my room and closes the door. "Hey dude..." Jaden says. "Hey" I say putting the rag on my nightstand.

"I am glad you are getting closer with my sister" he says and I nod. "Yeah me too. She is actually really cool, and has a really great personality" I say with a smile.

"I am so glad you see it like that... because I have to tell you something" Jaden said, and I got confused. What does he know?

"Yeah dude, sit here. Tell me everything" I say and he sits down with me on the bed. He grabs my shoulders and looks at me with his caramel orbs for eyes.

"You know how I applied for Harvard?" Jaden said, and I nodded. "Well...I got accepted" Jaden said and I got hype. He works his ass off and he is good at everything he does, and this just proves it.

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