chapter 2 roommates

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Bryce's point of view
I ring the doorbell to my bro Jaden's house cause I need to ask him a favor. My parents sold the house and we are living on the streets. I need to ask him for a place to stay.

Me and Jaden have been best friends since birth. He has this really hot younger sister named Addison, and I love to mess with her. I don't like her in that way, but I have eyes.

I remember when I was 7 I saw a booger falling out of her nose and I gave her a tissue to wipe it. That was when I was the nice kid. Now, with home drama, I am known as the f boy. My crazy sex stories that you've probably heard as rumors: all true.

That's not the point, I hear the door open and I see Addison opening it, her mouth opened wide. Her hair was in a messy bun and her glasses were on the tip of her nose. I was quite surprised. I mean, I thought she thought I was ugly? Damn, what a summer glow up can do to you.

I walk through the door and see her mouth still open so I decide to mess with her and flatter myself. "You got a little bit of drool on your chin" I say, and find my fingers touching her chin.

She stays still in her place, and I enjoy the pleasure. Then, as if reality snapped back in her, she slapped my hand away. "Sweet face isn't happy to see me I guess" I say as I walk to the living room, texting Jaden.

Sweet face is my little nickname for her. She had an obsession with sweets as a kid, and Jaden and I went to see her collection, which was like a candy factory in there. That was 10 years ago, and I haven't called her Addison since.

She followed me into the living room, and said to me "Classic Bryce. Stupidly charming." I smile as I hear the charming part. "At least I am charming sweet face" I say, and she rolls her eyes.

I decide to give a little surprise by getting really close to her face. She blushed and it made me smirk. I could smell her breath from here. Thin Mints, my favorite cookie.

She breaks the silence and says "My brother wouldn't like it much if he knew how close we were." She was still holding my gaze as I said "You'll keep my secret, won't you sweet face?" And then I trotted to the kitchen.

Jaden texted me to cook dinner, and that he would be home in a few. I texted him ok and I started making food. I heard the doorbell ring and Addison got the door and took the girl upstairs.

"Do I gotta tell your brother you're a lesbian now, sweet face?" I say, giving off a laugh too. I hear footsteps on the stairs and I turn to see Addison stick her tongue out at me and go back upstairs. Deep down she knows I am right.

Jaden comes home and I hug it out with him. I then ask him about the whole place situation and he smiled and said "Move in here! It'll be great! We've always wanted to be roommates remember?"

I smile as I go back to freshman year when we promised to move in together one day. I smiled and I finished cooking. I then left and got all my stuff and left it out on the porch. Can't believe I am gonna be roommates with my best friend.

We all sit for dinner and me and Addison sit across from each other. We begin to eat as I hear a moan escape from Addison's mouth. Why did that turn me on, like a lot?

"Jaden, this is like the best meal you have ever cooked!" She said, eating up the steak. "Actually I made it" I say proudly. She gives me a slight smile as she gobbles down the food. Now it's time to test her loyalty.

"Jaden" I say, smirking at Addison, and I see her get nervous. "Yeah dude?" Jaden says eating the garlic mashed potatoes. I look at Addison and smiled. "Me and sweet face over here almost kissed a few hours ago" I say with a smirk.

Jaden gets pissed and looks over at Addison. He keeps his calm and says "Add is this true?" His hands are shaking, and I love it. Addison look at me then looks at Jaden. "Tell him sweet face" I say confidently as I get a glare from Jaden.

"No we didn't. I promise JJ" She says shyly as I lay in my seat and wink at her. I knew she wouldn't sell our little secret.

Jaden looks at me and slugs me in the shoulder. "Nice prank dude you really got me that time!" He says with a laugh, and I laugh along with him.

"You won't get me next time though" he says and I give him a shrug. "I don't know dude you are pretty gullible" I say and we laugh.

Addison's point of view
We sit down to eat and I start stuffing my face. Wow this is so good. I tell Jaden how good it is then I find out that Bryce made it. Wow, I never knew that he was a good chef.

As I finish I hear Bryce talking to Jaden, and I get nervous. He tells him about our almost kiss! Oh god, JJ is going to kill me. I see his anger and Bryce looks at me with a smirk. Oh god I am nervous.

"Tell him sweet face" Bryce says looking at me and I want to cry. But if JJ ever finds out about it, he will never speak to me again. "No we didn't. I promise JJ" I say shyly, hoping he'll believe it. Bryce winks at me and JJ thinks it's a prank.

That's enough Bryce for today thank god I won't see him anytime soon. I plan to stay as far away from Bryce Hall as I possibly can. And then I hear Jaden's announcement. "Add... Bryce is moving in with us!"

"What?!?" I yell standing up. "I bet dad didn't approve of this!" "DAD'S NOT COMING BACK ADD" JJ yells and I begin to cry. I run upstairs and I cry and cry. I hear the front door open and close and I assume it was Dixie.

There goes my plan to stay away from Bryce. Great. How am I going to behave with him and me and JJ all under one roof. I am still crying when I hear a knock on the door.

"Go away!" I say, not wanting to talk to anyone. And then the door opens and I feel a body sitting next to me. "Hey" he says soothingly and I cry into his shoulder, not knowing or caring who it is at this point. I look up and I see...
to be continued....
Stay tuned for another chapter of my brother's best friend!


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