Welcome To My Story

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Hey! My online-name is Elizabeth and welcome to Hopelessly Devoted. This marks my second attempt at writing gay romance even though I'm a girl.

I'm not that bright...

If you're coming here from my last story, Alone, you may be confused as to why I'm writing another gay romance story even though I said my next book would probably be hetero. The simple answer is... I have an idea. This story will take place in high school. Two teenage boys falling in love but one of them doesn't realize it. It's gonna be a slow burner, but it'll be worth it.

As far as comments, any returning readers know that reading your comments make my day. My favorite part of Wattpad has always been the community, and reading your hilarious comments is the best part of my day (i.e. the dreaded Kazoo...). As much as I love your comments, however, the same rules apply.

1. Don't be an a-hole

2. No homophobic comments/remarks

3. No racist comments/remarks

4. No sexist comments/remarks

5. No politics

6. No spoilers

7. Don't be an a-hole.

Not that oppressive, but I still would really appreciate it if you would follow these basic rules.

Also, I won't be taking a break from this one. Mainly because I won't be pushing myself as hard. Trying to write every day was exhausting, so I'm just gonna write when I feel like it. Chapters will still come out on a reasonable schedule, just not a fixed one. A forced schedule almost killed Alone and I don't want that to happen again.

That's about it. I'm gonna get to writing and I hope you all enjoy my new story!

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