The other ships began their orders and started their fire destruction as Toph stood by the window.

"That's a lot of fire isn't it?" She whispered, able to feel the heat against her face, the wind blowing her bangs back.

As Sokka kept messing with the controls the ships system started to hiss and rattle as they headed straight to the other airships ahead of them, hoping it would lock the shop in place to keep heading in that direction.

"It's gonna be a rough right! We need to get to the top of this thing fast!" Sokka grabbed tophs hand to pull her with as Suki was close behind hearing the engine go out on the side. The whole ship shook.

"Then what?" Suki asked as he let Toph go ahead and waited for her.

"Watch each other's backs and if we make it that far, I'll let you know," he pecked her lips for good luck and kept going ahead.

The ship started to hit each airship in front of them with a individual large shake of the one they were on while they climbed to the top of the ladder. As soon as Toph got to the top Suki was there and grabbed her hand to keep her in the right direction, Sokka finally joined them at the top.

They ran as Sokka took the lead while Suki handed Toph off to him to keep her safe just as part of the airship broke off when it hit as Suki was stuck on the one that was falling.


She grunted as she tumbled to her feet and looked up seeing sokkas fearful face.

"I'm okay! Finish the mission!" She yelled back to him.

"No..." Sokka gulped as Toph started to pull at him.

"Sokka I think we've gotta- JUMP!" Toph cried out as Sokka saw they were about to crash into an airship. They were thrown off the remains of the first one and rolled across the one they crashed into. Sokka quickly jumped on top of Toph as he saw metal falling all around them, protecting her head under him as he held her tightly, looking around as he waited for it to be safe again.

Soon Sokka kept running as he dragged Toph behind across the top of the airship to the rudders knowing it would do damage.

"Toph metal men's the rudders so it jammed in a turning position," Sokka stopped quickly looking behind and lead her forward.

"The ship will spiral and slam into the others," he explained.

"Got it," Toph nodded and moved him out of the way before spitting in each hand to gain grip for the metal. She grunted as she clawed at the metal for it to start bending into an angle and was forced to stay in the position when she was done and slammed into more ships.

"Have I ever mentioned how sweet it is that you invented metal bending?" Sokka smiled at the success.

"You could stand to mention it more," she smiled back, proud of herself.

Sokka heard the door behind them leading to the top open and saw a fire bender, he grabbed Toph again to get moving as fire followed behind them, Sokka moved to the side and jumped to avoid getting burned. Toph screamed as well gripping his hand tightly when Sokka pulled out his space sword to impale the side of the ship to help their fall hopefully.

The ship began curving in as Sokka screamed letting go and Toph shrieked in fear when they free fell onto the end of a platform that was narrow and had no sides.

The non bender cried out in pain feeling his leg broke at the impact but his grip on the blind girl didn't faulted.

"My leg!" He grunted unable to move.

"Hang on Toph!" He yelled back as his grip tightened around her wrist, looking back at her as she dangled in the open air, Sokka was all she could hold onto.

"Aye aye captain," she called back facing up where he was.

Sweat beated down sokkas face as they were beginning to be surrounded by the soldiers, one on each side of the other platforms and more lined up at the end. Ready to strike.

Just as one was about to hit with fire Sokka threw his boomerang at his safe line and the soldier fell as he kicked up his space sword and threw it at the other soldier on his other side that sliced the metal platform and the soldier fell as well.

"Bye space sword.." Sokka watched his sword fall down to the earth.

"I don't think boomerang is coming back Toph," Sokka felt her slipping from his wrist, quickly changing his grip to hold onto her fingers with all the strength he could manage.

Tears began to form in tophs eyes, terrified this was it. Tears ran down her face trying to hold onto him, she's never felt so helpless.

"It looks like this is the end,"

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