Author's Note: I started to re-watch an old anime that I really loved back when I was around 10. That anime is called Chobits, and since then I got inspired to create this fanfiction with the same concept as Chobits had: humanoid robots. Plus, one of the characters had a very sad back story that literally made me say "hey, let's do a fanfic like this!" And here you go! Please enjoy XD

Also this might be kinda lame since I got a writer's block

Setting: AU


"It has been a year since then, huh." A teenager named Emi Sendou said to her mother Shizuka as they were sitting by a bench on a park.

"Yeah. Aichi had always been an ambitious man. He was so dedicated to his works…" Shizuka replied and sighed. "But even if his projects were a success, we still didn't know that it would happen."

A Year Ago

"Yes! It's done! I did it!"

Aichi Sendou, a scientist and inventor. He is mostly well known as a creator of electronic gadgets that focuses on robotics. And this time, he had successfully created humanoid robots.

"This prototype will test how perfectly done the project is, and… and this will help people's lives better!" Aichi said in glee and excitement as he held the robot's hand.

"Hm… how should I make this one look more human, though?" He thought to himself as he observed the robot. "I made it a woman so I guess…"

Aichi then went to take the robot and took his time to design it.

It took him a few while before finishing his work. Aichi was astonished when he saw what he had done. He created a very human-like robot. The robot looked exactly like a woman. It has a light skin, tall and mature. It has a long blonde hair, and the eyes were emerald green.

"Ah…" Aichi smiled let out a sigh in relief. "It's so beautiful, I overdid it. Oh well, time to take a rest."


When Aichi told his friends and family about his project, they congratulated him for the success. Aichi was delightful for the support that he was given and he continued making adjustment for the prototype.

"And the last software installation… complete!" He said as he looked at the screen. Aichi grinned. "Let's do this!"

He then removed all the cables from the back of the robot and closed the compartment. He then puts his hand behind the right ear of the robot as the switch button was there, and turned it on.

Aichi heard whirring sounds, he was getting nervous if the robot will be able to function or not.

After 40 seconds, the eyes of the robot opened and it looked at him.

There was a small beeping sound before the noises stopped and the robot stared at Aichi and moved. Aichi was surprised as the robot then stood straight.

Then it spoke.

"Hello, my name is Prototype A-01. It's nice to meet you, creator."

Aichi let out a sigh in relief. "Phew! I thought it will be a disaster…"

"Creator, what would you like me to do?"

The voice caught Aichi off guard. He glanced at the robot and quickly forgot that it was a robot and not an actual human. He blushed hardly as he thought of his robot's beauty.

'No, no, no! That's a robot! Not a woman! Stop having weird thoughts!' Aichi thought to himself.

"Creator?" The robot looked at him with a curious expression.

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