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A/N: just some sad aikou. one-sided.


I said that word "never" because I know it won't happen.

All the things I do, I give, it will never be thought by him as a way of me loving him.

Nothing in my dreams, my imagination, will it ever happen.

It will never happen.

My dreams of us holding hands, smiling, hugging… all of those things, they will NEVER happen.

I know how much he thinks of me as a good friend; I know how much he loves me as his friend. But that won't change the fact that we'll never be together. NEVER.

I used to think that we'll eventually be together, I thought that one day he'll realize my feelings for him. But will that one day ever come? No, it will NEVER come.

But still… this does not stop me from loving him. This won't stop me from caring him, this will never stop me from helping him, protecting him, and doing everything for him.

I promised myself that whatever happens, I'll make sure he's going to be okay.

I know for a fact he's going to find someone that he'll truly love, he'll truly care for, and worth protecting for.

That day if he found that someone, he won't need me anymore. But I'll still be there as his friend, a close friend.

I know for a fact that nothing between us will grow closer, as I know that he only thinks that I'm just a friend.

And I'm okay with that.

I'm okay with all of the things that will happen, it might not involve me but I'm okay.

Because I know that we'll never end up together. We'll never be together. We'll never do all the things I dreamt off.

I'll just watch him as he becomes the man that I wanted to have, but will never be mine. He'll never be the one to take my heart, he'll never become my lover, my husband.


So I'll just be here, far away, watching him with a smile. Tears might fall down, but I know this will eventually stop.

Because I'll move on from him.

Because he'll never love me the same way as I do.




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