Picking Flowers in the Meadow

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Setting: Persephone/Hades story

A/N: I've had this story in my mind for so very long now, and I keep forgetting to write it. Fortunately, I was looking at my google history and saw that I was searching about Hades and Persephone's story. Plus, on my job training I got assigned on the school library and while during break I found a book containing the story in which I took my free time to read. Anyways, please enjoy!

Reminders: I made the story and characters somehow different just as to not make everything somewhat interesting I suppose.


"What a beautiful sight to behold..." Muttered the God of the Underworld as he stared at the young lady who was sitting in a garden of the grass fields. She had a very beautiful long blonde hair and gleaming green eyes.

The god had instantly fell in love with her, he could feel his heart constantly beating fast and he felt his hands shiver. He wants to be with her, and he needed to do something with it.

He bit his lower lip whilst continuing his stare at the beautiful woman.

He really needed to do something. He quickly left and descended back into his lair.

The god sat down on his throne, still thinking of the woman he just saw. She was so beautiful, and he could see her kindness as she gently played with the deer and other animals. She could be a goddess, a deity like him. He must know.

A few weeks later, he went to his brother and sat down to talk to him and confided his secrets.

"What did you say, Aichi?" The other god looked back at the troubled one. It was unusual for him to be like that.

"Like I said… I am in love with this woman... And I need to find a way to be with her." Aichi replied. "Kai, please help me. I-I can't bear to be like this for a long time."

"I see, I can help you." Kai replied and crossed his arms before telling Aichi the plan.


The woman that Aichi was infatuated was actually named Kourin, unbeknownst to him she is a goddess. The goddess of spring and that he just realized when he found out a few moments later.

Kourin had strayed from her companions as she was filling her basket of flowers and lilies, violets included.

Aichi looked at her once again before grabbed ahold of her with one sweep, and therefore drove away.

"Help!" The goddess screamed, her basket fell. Despite her calling her other companions for help, it was too late. They were out of sight and with Aichi's trident he struck the ground and the earth opened, Aichi smirked to himself and went down. The earth closed and they came down to the underworld.

"Get… your hands… off of me!" Kourin exclaimed, struggling against Aichi's grasp as she sat at the throne.

"Don't you worry, my queen! I will not do anything to harm you, see?" He quickly let go of her hands. He puts his hands up and smiled at her.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, angered.

"I got you because I wanted you to become my betrothed, and if it doesn't satisfy you, I can give you anything that I have!"

"I don't want that! And I don't want to be with you, I want to go back to my place!" Kourin exclaimed, hitting Aichi and his chest. Aichi could only sigh.

"My love, I can guarantee you safety here. I swear my Cerberus will never hurt you, instead they will protect you. In addition, I can swear that I will love you and do anything you want. It is my job to do so as your future husband." Aichi declared confidently, thinking as if this will win her heart over and she will fall for him as well as much as he loves her.

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