"Yeah! No one can beat us as long as we have our demon king!" Kataoka cheered, the demon squaders joining in.

"Let's make this a game they never forget." Yusei smirked darkly, her team mirroring her expression.

Heading back to their hotel, Yusei practically died on the bed. "You good bro?" Tajima asked in concern as he flopped down next to her.

"Yeah, I'm just pooped. I'm so glad we already had dinner before the game." She suddenly shot up. "I CALL SHOWER FIRST!"

"Aw man, I was gonna call it!" Arakawa complained, only for Iwasaki to smack him. "Hey!!!! Iwa that really hurt!"

"You deserve it, let Udai-kun shower in peace Arakawa."

"Uuuugh, fine!" Arakawa pouted, crossing his arms and huffing. Snickering, Yusei got up from the bed and grabbed her pj's, heading into the bathroom.

After her shower, she didn't bother putting on a binder, instead wearing a regular sports bra as she emerged with a muscle tank and shorts.

"Alright, whoever wants next can go."

"ME!!!!!" Arakawa dashed in before anyone could even blink, making the three laugh and shake their heads.

Yusei passed out fairly soon after she crawled into bed. That night they had decided to switch up the bedmates because apparently Arakawa was a blanket hog, so Iwasaki and Tajima swapped.

It was a better night sleep for them all, as Yusei wasn't getting suffocated by Tajima's cuddling, and Iwasaki still had the blankets on him.

It worked out for Tajima and Arakawa too, as Tajima cuddled him and Arakawa snuggled back, wrapping the blankets tighter around them both. It was funny to see them try to get out of the man made burrito the next morning.

It was the day of the finals, and the only person not nervous was Yusei. Luckily as always, her attitude rubbed off on her teammates and made them less nervous and more excited.

"Oh my God their libero so a cutie!" Yusei squealed, making Arakawa sweatdrop as they shagged balls for Itachiyama. He must have heard her, because the libero glanced back and grinned, waving at her.

"Why do you only react when it's a cute guy but not a buff and hot one?" Tajima asked, pursing his lips.

"Because cuties are better." Yusei shrugged, then waved back at Komori. "That's been my experience, at least."

"Whatever you say, demon king."

Soon after that, Anaguma was let into the court for their seven minutes. Komori watched with a smile, he was excited to play such a well rounded team.

As he observed, his eyes were drawn to the male from before, the one that had called him cute. Smiling at the thought, Komori watched as Yusei called for the ball and their setter sent it to her.

Nice set, he thought, before his eyes widened slightly. Damn, he can jump, he thought as Yusei practically flew, slammimg the ball on a sharp cross. "Nice one your Eminence!"

"Oh shut it!" Yusei snickered, not actually mad about it though. Komori's eyes widened, his teammates called him your Eminence?

After they were done with their seven minutes, the two teams lined up on the end line as the crowd cheered. "Welcome to the final round of the National High School Boy's Volleyball Tournament, we would now like to introduce our teams starting line ups."


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