Dreams (NSFW) [Pannacotta Fugo]

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Genre: slight NSFW i guess

Pairing: Pannacotta Fugo x reader

Summary: Reader comes home to see Fugo alseep in bed and moaning her name, having a very good dream.

Word count: 1409

A/N: so hello there my ppl so this is my first Smut so i hope its not cringey i just u all end up loving it so ye if ur a softie and cant stand lemons then skip to the next chapter.

⚠️About Request⚠️
Also i do take requests so if u wanna send me a repuest u must do these following things

The name of character
What genre
And what scenario

Thats all love u all.



You were on your way home as you walked past a nice takeaway restaurant. It was so bright thata you had to squint you eyes to see the name of the take away restaurant.

And to be honest you were feeling kinda hungry so it wouldnt hurt if you got some fod for you and your boyfriend.

Yes thats right you have a boyfriend. His name was Pannacotta Fugo. You two basically just moved un together and have been dating for 2 years now.

As you wantes to step into the restaurant your phone started ringing.

You let out a sight and run your hand through your hair as you picked up your phone.


"Hey sweetie how are you doing" your boyfriend answers from the other side of rhe phone.

"Nothing much, just tought i would buy some some Chinese takeaway for us ....that is if you wa-"


"Just needed to check on you feeling really tired right now, so please hurry so i wouldnt have to be worried that your still out here alone."

"Okay, okay im on my way i will see you soon"

And like that you hung up.

You entered the store, bought some food for you and your boyfriend, paid then left the store happly.


You open the front door to the hause you and Fugo shared but to your surprise it was very quiet.

Fugo didnt show himself nor appeared infront of the door to greet you and give you huggs like he would normally do.

You found this strange but then later considered that he was asleep.

You walked all the way trough the hallway into the kitchen.

You droped the food you bought on the counter as you went upstairs to wake up Fugo.


No sound so you yelld again.


Again not a single noise.

Later you gave up and headed your way up the stairs .

As you got closer and closer to the room door you heard some voices. Something close to whimpering maybe?

"Fugo? Is that you?"

You called as you tip toed closer to the room door. Slowly you open the door to find a already asleep Fugo in his bed.

You sigh in relief know there wasnt a stranger in your house. It was just your boyfriend sleeping.

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