Chapter 27

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I open my eyes and sit up. I was on the couch in Bailey's living room. What happened? Oh right.

"Alex you're awake! Are you ok? What happened?" Ricky said as soon as he saw my eyes open.

"I'm fine." I say and rub my eyes Suddenly Bailey was there.

"Alex what happened?" she asked taking my hand. I flinched and saw a flash of hurt cross her features.

I look down at our hands intertwined, "I don't know." I mumble.

My head was spinning. I needed to get out of here and be alone so I could figure everything out.

I got up and pulled my hand out of Bailey's.

"Alex where are you going?" Bailey asked standing up with me.

"I need to leave. If you want you can come over later but I need to leave now." I say walking to the door. I could feel Ricky's questioning gaze as I walked.

Bailey grabbed my arm, "Alex what is going on? Why won't you tell me?" she asked sounding desperate.

"Nothing is going on. I just need to go. Why can't you understand? For once just leave me alone when I ask you to, for gods sake." I snap and pull my hand from her and walk out the door.

Do I feel bad that I snapped at the only person you likes me? Yes but I just can't deal with that right now. I hop onto my motorcycle and drive off.

I go to the park and after I parked and I headed to the look out. I climbed up the giant pile of rocks and look out over the woods.

I take a deep breath. Everything used to be so simple. I would accidentally touch or get touched by someone's skin and see their death. But after I met Bailey things changed. I didn't think that they could change. I've learned the hard way that you can't change fate. But... Maybe I can't change fate but other beings could.

Bailey showed up when I saw my mom's death and when I saw Aunt Polly's death she talked about Bailey. So I thought things around the death could change like, but not the death itself. But that was with humans not vampires. They have to be different.

So does this mean that vampires can change their own fate but humans can't change theirs? Or is it still inevitable? That's not right. Maybe I was hallucinating. Who am I kidding? I can't hallucinate something like that at the exact time I touch him.

If it is true that vampires can change how and when they die, they must do it unknowingly. When Peter walked in he talked about a job that they were going to take but someone else said they would do it for them. So that decision was made by a vampire and it changed a vampire's fate unknowingly.

Maybe it's because vampires are supernatural, that they can do things humans cannot. They cheated death already, why can't they do it again .

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed. It was my dad saying that dinner was almost ready. I texted back that I would be there in soon and got up and climbed back down the rocks.

I was back just in time for dinner. I sat down and my parents looked at me concerned.


"Alex what happed to your face?" my dad asked.

I touched my face and winced. I remember the bruises and black eye I got from jock face.

"I ran into a wall?" I say hoping that they would believe me. I don't really want to tell them that I got beat up because some jock wanted me to stay away from Bailey.

"Honey you can't get a black eye from running into a wall. What really happened?" my mom said giving me that mom look that says tell me no or else.

"Fine. I got beat up because this guy wanted my homework and I ignored him, then maybe punched him in the gut a couple times." I say looking away.

"Oh honey I'm sorry. It's good that you stuck up for yourself." Mom said.

"Were they good punches?" Dad asked. I nodded and he smiled.

We finished dinner and I went up to my room. I got started on homework and halfway through mom came with some brownies she just made. I thanked her and continued to struggle through calculus.

It's was 11:30 when I finally finished. Part of the reason why it took so long because I kept getting distracted. I went to see if my parents were still awake but their bedroom door was closed and the lights were off so I assumed that they went to bed. I put the plate that the brownie was on in the sink and grabbed a can of sprite and microwaved a raman bowl. I headed back up to my room and ate while watching YouTube.

I was watching a cat video when I felt a presence behind me. I turn around and Bailey was standing in my room looking nervous. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing leggings with a cropped sweater and converse.

I took out my earbuds and walked over and hugged her.

"Are you ok now?" she asks softly holding me close.

"I think so. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"What did you say?" she asked pulling away from me.

I glare at her, "I said I was sorry for snapping at you."

"What was that?" she's said grinning.

"Shut up." I say slapping her arm and she laughed.

"Do you want to watch something?" I ask.

"In a minute. I rather do something, I mean someone first." she said grinning and my face went red. She pulled me in for a heated kiss.

We pulled apart and she studied my face, I gave her a little smile.

"Do I still pretty with bruises and a black eye?"

I could see her eyes darken slightly when she thought about me being beaten up but then they lightened up again and she kissed me.

"I'll think you're pretty no matter what." she said softly kissing me.

I changed and we laid together as we watched movies.

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