Chapter 17

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I woke up with two arms snaked around my waist. I blinked a couple of times and tried to sit up.  felt strangely calm and refreshed. I had no dreams and it was a peaceful sleep. I looked over at Bailey who had rolled away from me. For some reason I didn't mind that she had held me all night, it felt nice, I felt safe.

I looked over at Bailey's clock and saw that if she didn't get up now we would be late to school. Also it just occurred to me that I left my bike at school over night. Great. 

I turn to Bailey and poke her "Get up."

She sat up in a blink of an eye and glared at me.

"Do you know how hard it is to sleep?" she said getting out of the bed.

"You're a vampire, you don't have to sleep right?"

"We only sleep once and awhile. But unlike the guys I enjoy it." she said and we got changed.

As we were going down the big staircase I asked "Do you happen to have any coffee here?"

Bailey thought for a second then shook her head.

"Well then we need to get going, so we can go to the coffee shop." I said hurrying to the door.

"Wait no food?" 

"No I don't eat in the morning and if I don't get my coffee I'll be the worse person you'll ever meet." I said stopping at the door.

"Fine. Ricky we're ready come on." Bailey yelled and in an instant Ricky was standing with us. I groan internally it was way too early to deal with his nonsense.

"Let's go my peeps." he said excitedly and we got into the car.

"Take us to the coffee shop first." Bailey said.

"Alrighty." he said cheerfully. 

We pulled up to the coffee shop and as I opened the door I told them to wait in the car. I order my usual coffee with some extra espresso. 

When I got back in the car Ricky looked back at me confused, "What no food?"

"No. Now drive or we're going to be late." I say flatly and sip my coffee.

We arrived at school and I got out of the car and walked to where my motorcycle was parked.  I circled it making sure nothing was out of place or broken then I started it and it worked fine. 

After I was done I turned around and headed into school. I was walking down the hallway when I saw Bailey talking and laughing with a girl with long brown hair. Bailey laughed at something she said and touched the other girl's shoulder. The other girl was pretty, way prettier than me. 

I sighed. I knew she probably didn't actually want to be friends, I probably just a charity case. I looked over at them one more time then headed to my next class.

At lunch I snuck up to the roof after I bought my lunch. I had my headphones staring at sky when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly. Bailey was standing there looking nervous. I take out an earbud to glare at her.

"What the hell Bailey!?" I yelled. "What are you doing up here!?" 

She looked down and said "I saw you come up here and I was worried."

"Why would you be worried about me? Shouldn't be having lunch with all your friends?" I said standing up and crossing my arms.

"I saw you earlier and you look a little upset." 

"I'm fine. Now can you leave me alone and forget that you even know about this place." I say and turn around. 

"Alex why won't you tell me what's wrong?" she pleaded grabbing my hand.

"Let go of me."

"No not until you tell me what's wrong." she said firmly.

I couldn't let her in. I just couldn't. She'll leave me and I'll have to build up my walls all over again. But I couldn't help but start to trust her though. I felt my walls cracking because of her. I want to tell her what's wrong but will she judge me for it? Fuck it.

"What am I to you? Am I just a charity case? Do actually like spending time with me or are you just leading me on? Are you just getting close to me to hurt me?" 

Bailey spun me around and pulled me close to her and I felt my heart speed up. 

"I'm not leading you on Alex. I really really care about you. I would never hurt you on purpose. You're such an interesting person and I love hanging out with you even though riding on your motorcycle freaks me out. Alex you're a beautiful person even though you try to hide it from the world and I would hang out with you over those other people's fake asses. Stop thinking so bad about yourself because you're wonderful." 

Our heads got closer and I gently placed my lips on hers. Her lips were cold but somehow warm at the same time. I wish I could stay in this moment forever but my alarm went off and we broke apart. Bailey gave me a small smile and I gave her one back. 

Then reality hit me. I kissed Bailey. I showed a vulnerable part of myself. I have to trust that she won't betray me. Oh god what did I do? I quickly grabbed my lunch bag and ran down the steps to my next class.

I avoided Bailey all day and skipped last period so I didn't have to see her. I couldn't believe that I kissed her. It wasn't like she kissed me, I kissed her. And it felt good, it felt right. She was just going to hurt me right? Despite all my anxiety I wanted to kiss her again. 

Since I skipped last period I had some time to kill before I went home so my dad didn't get suspicious I went to the bakery and got a donut and drove around until it was three, then headed home.

When I entered my house I called to my dad that I was home. He called back that mom and Aunt Polly were getting manicures and that dinner would be a little bit later tonight.

I entered my room and closed the door. I grabbed my guitar and lost myself in my music.

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