Chapter 4

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Before going home I stopped at RiteAid to get  hair dye and some candy. While I was checking out the guy at the register gave me a weird look and I just glared at him. He handed my bag and as I left the store I could feel him stare at me. 

 I parked behind my mom's car and walked inside. 

"Alex is that you?" my mom called from the kitchen.

"Yeah. I'll be in my room." 

"Ok." my mom said and I went upstairs to my bathroom.

 I turned on my music, opened the bag of sour patch kids I got and started to bleach my hair. I changed into the shirt I use when I bleach and dye my hair. I've dyed my hair so much at this point I feel like I'm a pro. This time I decided I was going to change my hair to purple. I jammed out to TØP and the whole process took about 30 minutes to actually dye my whole head since my hair was short. I chilled until it was time to rinse my hair. 

I looked at my hair on the mirror it didn't look to bad. I turned off the bathroom light and jumped on my bed and watched YouTube videos until 5am.

"Honey time to wake up!" my dad yelled. I groan and roll over.

"You have to get up." he yelled and ignored him.

"I'll take away your guitar if you don't get up." he threatened.

"Fine fine I'm up." I yell and roll out of bed. I get ready and go downstairs.

"Honey will you ever wear something that is not black or grey?" my mom asked handing me a cup of coffee. I shake my head and she sighed.

I finished my coffee, grabbed my bag and yelled goodbye to my parents as I walked out the door. I hop on motorcycle and drive to school.

I got to school earlier than I thought and everyone was in the hallway talking to one another. I stood by my locker with my headphones in waiting for class to start. I looked up from my phone and saw Bailey talking to some one. I quickly looked back down hoping that she didn't see me looking at her. 

I glanced up at her again and she waved at me and said goodbye to the person she was talking to and walked over to me with a big smile. I sigh and go back to scrolling through twitter. 

"Hi Alex." she said cheerly. Why was she so happy? It was too early to be happy.

"Go away it's too early for this." I say and turn off my phone and start walking away.

I blink and Bailey was in front of me smiling. How the hell did she do that?

"Stop smiling it's creepy." I say with a scowl but her smile didn't go away. 

"Why are you being so grouchy?" she said jokingly.

"Because it's too early for this!" I exclaim and walk around her.

She starts walking next to me and I pretend to ignore her.

"I like your hair." she said quietly and I glance over at her. She looked content walking next to me. Why she was content I don't know.

"Thanks." I mutter and she broke out into a big grin.

"Do you want to work on the project after school?" she asked and I stopped outside of my classroom.

"Not really." I said and walked inside the classroom.

The rest of the morning I tried to avoid Bailey but she cornered me at lunch.

"Can I have lunch with you?" she asked walking down the hallway with me.

"Don't you have friends." I say stopping at my locker.

"Yes but I want to sit with you." she said cheerfully.

"Why don't you sit with you friends?" I say ignoring what she said and grabbed a bag of chips and sat down against the lockers.

Bailey sat down next to me and pulled out two apples. That's all she was eating? Well who am I to judge, I only have a bag of chips for lunch.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" she said glancing at me.

"Yea. It's the only thing I have in my locker. I forgot to bring a lunch." I say looking away.

"Here." she said handing me one of her apples. I stare at it and look back up at her. Why did she give this to me? It's her lunch. She reached over and grabbed a handle of my chips and stuffed them in her mouth.

"Hey." I say and slapped her on the shoulder. She was wearing a cropped sweatshirt with jeans. Her hair was wavy and reached past her shoulders.

"Your staring at me." she with a smirk and I quickly look away.

"So the history project. Do you want to come over after school?" she asked.

"No." I reply still not looking at her. I took a bite of the apple.



"Because why?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Fine then let's do something else." she suggested.

"Why?" I ask. Why would she want to spend time with me?

"Because I want to spend time with you." she replied. Can this girl read my thoughts or something?

I was about to respond when she quickly got up and said that se had to go to the bathroom and rushed off. I watched her rush away confused. Did she finally get tired of me? Why do I care so much? 

I shake my head and I sighed. I got up and went to the nearest trash can and threw out the empty chip back and finished the apple and through out core. The bell rung and I walked to class.

At the end of the day as I was leaving Bailey cornered me again. 

I glared at her, "What do you want?"

"We planed to do something after school remember?" she said looking at me confused.

"I didn't agree to do anything with you." I said and walked around her, towards my bike.

"Come on please Alex. I don't want to go home. The boys are throwing a party with their friends and I'm the only girl in the house." she said following me all the way to my bike. She was looking at me with a pleading look. I couldn't ignore her because she keeps bothering me. Maybe I could scare her away and she would stop bothering me. But do you really want her to leave you alone?  A voice in the back of my head whispered but I quickly pushed that thought away. Of course I want her to leave me alone.

I grab my helmet and toss it to her.

"Get on."

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