Chapter 15

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After a few minutes I pulled away and looked at her. She touched me. Nothing happened. Maybe then I I can't get my hopes up. But she's a vampire, she can't die and I now I can touch her without seeing death. Wow. 

"Alex are you ok?" 

My eyes refocused on Bailey's worried face.

"I'm fine. Relax Bailey." I say looking up at her.

"Are you hungry?" 

"Yeah and do me a favor, don't tell anyone that I passed out unless you want to die." I threatened. I didn't need her whole family knowing that I passed out from exhaustion.

"You can't kill me honey. I'm immortal remember?" she said with a grin and we headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Alex! I thought you weren't ever coming back." Peter exclaimed leaning on the counter sipping a drink,  which could be blood.

"Yeah well it's not like I had a choice." I muttered.

"Bailey you kidnapped her again!? Shame on you." he said smiling.

"What are you drinking?" I ask looking at him with a blank face. I caught a flicker of surprise cross his face.

"Apple juice. Why?" he said nervously.

"Is it good?"

"Yes very." 

"Can I have some?" I ask taking a step towards him and he immediately took at step back.

"Don't you worry about germs or something? What if I have a disease?" he said with a note of panic in his voice.

"I doubt you have anything." I say and quickly grabbed the drink from his hand and step back. 

I popped open the top and look at it and sure enough it was blood. Then I took a little sip. Bailey and Peter looked at me shocked.

"That's some good apple juice." I say with a small grin.

"Alex what the fuck?" Peter said and the next thing I know the cup is out of my hand and back in Peter's. Bailey let out a little chuckle and Peter glared at her.

"Bailey you told her!?" 

"Tell me what?" I say playing stupid.

"U-uh nothing." he said quickly.

"Relax Peter. You're vampires it's cool." I say. Peter stared at me in shock.

"You're cruel." he said then turned to Bailey, "What the fuck Bailey?" 

"She knew I wasn't human some way and I had to tell her." she said defensively. Peter sighed.

"The rest of the guys are coming back soon, we have to tell them that she knows." Peter said finishing cup of blood.

"I have a fun idea on how to tell them." I said with a sly grin.˜


I was leaning against the against the fridge when Andrew, Colin, Ricky, and Adrian and walked into the kitchen. Bailey was on her phone scrolling through Instagram.

"Hi Alex!" Ricky said cheerfully and the guys started talking among themselves.

"Bailey can I get a drink from the fridge?" I ask keeping my face blank.

"Yeah sure whatever." she said not looking up from her phone.

I opened the fridge and took out one of the bottles and closed the fridge again. When I turned back around everyone's eyes were on me. I opened it and started chugging the whole thing. They stared at me with shocked expressions. I drank the last drop and put the empty bottle on the container.

"What?" I asked looking around the room.

"You" Ricky asked staring at me shocked.

"There's no way." Adrian said.

"What will somebody tell me what's going on?" I ask.

"It's impossible." Ricky said.

"Got you!" Peter exclaimed suddenly. "She knows." 

Everyone started talking at once.

"I told her since she somehow figured out I wasn't human." Bailey said.

"Wow Alex. I didn't think you would do that." Ricky said coming over to me.

"The looks on your faces were priceless." I say. We all headed into the living room and everyone sat down. I was sitting next to Bailey and Adrian. I rather sit alone but I couldn't help it. Peter and Andrew was sitting next to each other and Peter looked a little uncomfortable. 

"So any questions?" Ricky asked grinning at me.

"Are you all related?" I ask. 

"No. Harry took us in. We moved from Sydney Australia to here recently. But we're all pretty close. But no we aren't related." Ricky explained. Just then the door bell rang and suddenly Ricky was gone and then he walked back in with Owen.

"Owen." the guys exclaimed and Adrian pulled him down on the couch next to me.

"Hey." he said and put his arm on the back of the couch. I didn't notice that his hand was right behind my neck. I leaned back and I guess somehow part of his skin touched the back of my neck and the next thing I knew I was by an alley way.

"I'll see you on the 14th grandma." he said into his phone. "No this month, in November."

"Ok talk to you later." he said and hung up. For some reason he turned into the alley way and then the man in black came out of no where and cornered him. 

"No! Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want. Please." Owen begged.  The man didn't say anything just continued to walk closer to Owen and the he grabbed him and bit his neck. After a few seconds Adrian appeared in the alleyway and punched the man. "You bastard!" he screamed and started attacking him. I had to get out of this. I dug my fingernails into my palm and tried to focus. 

When I opened my eyes I was back in the living room and everyone was too wrapped up in their conversations to notice that I spaced out. I got up and rushed out of the room. I heard them call my name but I didn't stop. I ran until I found myself in Bailey's room.

The fact that I couldn't do anything to stop Owen's death and that Adrian was going to lose his best friend hurt. I didn't know Owen that long, in fact I've only seen him twice, but I know that he doesn't deserve his death.

I heard the door open but I didn't turn around. I felt someone spin me around and they wrapped in their arms. I smiled inside because I could smell Bailey's shampoo which smell liked roses. I closed my eyes and tried not to let her break down my walls.

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