Chapter 27

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Date: 13/6/2020 

AN: Yay! Another chapter


Six Months Later

"Yeah Phii, I'm so happy.." Kongpob said as he laid down on the bed, watching Arthit relaxing at his apartment in Chiang Mai. He couldn't help but grin when Arthit opened a bottle of pink-milk for himself. As had become a routine, the two lovers were relaxing in their respective bedrooms, video-calling and just catching up on each other's day. Kongpob had ensured he visited Arthit at least once a month in the past eight months.

Things were progressing rather smoothly on both their ends. Kongpob and Nana were working swiftly to end the marriage and also have that Chinese contract finalized. Kongpob had not been seen with his wife in almost seven months now. Boonsri and her father were also pressured into keeping a low-profile with the threat of defamation. Arthit was working extra hard and was by now passed through most of the departments. He should be ready to explore the Pattaya offices soon.

"So you both signed the papers? There are no problems at all, right?" Arthit asked as he swallowed a mouthful of the drink.

Kongpob grinned, "Yes Phii. We have checked and rechecked. There is nothing that can go wrong now." He smiled slyly as he gazed at Arthit through the screen, "As of today...I am a free man. Single, again.."

Arthit's face immediately stiffened and he narrowed his eyes at his nong, "Single? Who's single, huh? You are mine, Kongpob Suthiluck. Mark my words, you were, are and always be mine, as long as I am alive.."

With every word that Arthit spoke, Kongpob's smile had widened and his face had inched closer to the screen. His voice was now deeply husky and his tone was sultry. With a mischievous glint in his eyes Kongpob spoke, "Yes, I am yours, and only Ai'Oon.."

Arthit's face flamed up and he turned away from the screen embarrassed. He had fallen into his own trap, looked like. Kongpob chuckled at his lover's cuteness and Arthit mock glared at him, "Stop it!"

"Oh Phii.. I miss you so much.."

The older man's eyes softened as he swallowed and made an agreeing sound. He asked gently, "When will be visiting now..?"

The Suthiluck heir sighed, "I am hoping next weekend. But I am not sure at could be later if we have to work on our Chinese deal."

"What is with this deal? I know it's big but you guys seem to be really determined.."

Kongpob nodded, "It's all part of the plan Phii. When we will announce the deal, we will ensure that some daily carries the news of my divorce. That way, the news of the big deal will be the focus, rather than the divorce. So, it will help us glide under the radar and avoid questions..."

The older man took another big sip of the pink-milk and nodded, "You guys have thought a lot about this, haven't you?"

Kongpob sighed, "It is the only way, Phii. All that aside, tell me about your side of things.."

"I am really doing good. I should be good to leave for Pattaya in around two months. I am learning so much. I mean production is so vast and interesting.. I wish I could work there much much longer. But I know what I have to do, Nana has been talking and explaining so much to me. I really really don't want to let her down."

As Arthit talked his eyes sparkled with excitement and happiness and Kongpob knew his Phii was enjoying himself. He already knew his grandmother was offering all the support to Arthit, which was such a welcome thing.

"You are absolutely precious Phii. I know for sure you are doing great and you won't let down... We won't let her down, not again, right?"

"Yes, right," Arthit smiled brightly. "It's getting late Kong. We should go to sleep, okay? I will talk to you later, huh?"

Kongpob pouted. They had been chatting for more than an hour now, that was almost every day, but it never seemed enough. It was always difficult to say goodbye and there had been instances when both had fallen asleep with the call still on.

Arthit chuckled, "Don't pout Kong. We'll talk soon, okay? Love you na.."

Kongpob swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Unable to form any words the younger man just nodded as he watched Arthit disconnect the call and the screen go black in front of him. This was tiring, yes, but it was also a time to hold on to their patience. As much as Kongpob wished to speed things up, it was not going to be. However, with the things happening steadily and without any unforeseen glitches, Kongpob was optimistic about the future.


AN: So, we have maybe 2 or 3 chapters more to go. That is what I am saying now, but if my mind goes crazy, who knows what will happen. LOL! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading the rest of my story!


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