Chapter 13

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AN: Another Chapter...just because we are all locked in and need something to read.


Kongpob Suthiluck found himself once again at Arthit's apartment. Over the past two months, Kongpob had taken to spending every weekend and some week-nights here. His Phii had left the place almost three months back, and Kongpob was still unaware of where he was. His heart clenched at the thought every time and he had taken to praying for the health and safety of his beloved. He took his suit off and gotten into the shower. He had come here straight from the airport as he had been in Singapore for the past three days. He was exhausted but he really did need a shower and something to eat as well.

Wearing Arthit's pajama's again, Kongpob sat on the chair with a bowl of instant noodles. It was something hot and satisfying, and that's all that mattered at this hour. He scrolled through his phone to check for any important messages or mails he might have missed while on the flight. He went through some queries from the production department, mostly they concerned the budget and replacement of the software. Kongpob didn't reply as it could wait until tomorrow. He didn't have many messages but one that caught his eye was from his grandma.

Meet me at the study tomorrow morning, before breakfast

Kongpob frowned. It was past midnight already and breakfast is always at seven in the morning at the mansion. The message didn't say anything else, but his grandma didn't do anything unnecessary, so this must be important. If Mrs. Suthiluck wanted to know about some project or something like that she usually said so in the message. The young man sighed as he dumped the empty bowl in the sink and went to lay down on the bed, it looked like he had an early day.

Entering the mansion in casual t-shirt and jeans, Kongpob headed straight to the study. A maid nodded in acknowledgment, gestured for him to enter. That only meant that his grandma had been waiting for him.

"Good Morning, Nana," he said with a small smile.

The woman smiled back and nodded. "Sit, Kongpob."

"This is rather..a difficult situation. Here, in this envelope, there's a ticket to Chiang Mai, an address and a key. Some other essential details. You will have to leave immediately if you want to make the flight."


The woman sighed rather loudly, "He's not well. Apparently, he contracted pneumonia. I .."

Kongpob stood up abruptly, angry and worried, "What! Nana!!"

"Calm down Kongpob.."

"I knew it! You are the one who sent him away! I knew it! And you didn't even tell me why or when! And he's not well, now? In all the years I have known him, he's never once fallen ill! How could you Nana!?"

Grandma came around and held the young by his shoulders, "Calm down, my boy. Focus okay?" She made him sit down on the chair and have a few sips of cold water from the glass that was placed on the table.

"Are you okay, now? Ready to listen?" Kongpob rubbed a hand over his face and nodded.

"So, here it is. I met him a couple of times. He's an impressive person like you have said. I offered him a three-month internship at our Chiang Mai office and he accepted, of course."

Kongpob was staring blankly at his grandma, waiting for more. "So, I have provided the best care for him as soon as he was diagnosed with pneumonia. I had the flat-mates shift to another apartment as a precaution, you know? It's been three weeks now and the latest test shows that the infection has cleared out. However, that was a week back. Doctors believe he should have been up and healthy by now, but that has not happened. They think if some of his family member came to care for him, he would recover quickly. Emotional support and all that. And since he has no family..."

The young man didn't wait for her to finish, he just grabbed the envelope and strode out of the room.


AN: The much awaited! Excited?

Between my two stories, I will try my best to update at least a chapter every day. Lets see. 

Stay Safe my lovelies!


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