Kai: *lifts the shoulders and sighs* I met the Blade Sharks.

Tyson: *shocked* Wait, wait, wait. Your old team did it to you?

Kai: No! I beat them up and they ran away. I went into town and met a cat.

Tyson: *looks sure* Ha, the cat did it to you!

Kai: *rolls the eyes and sighs* No! I fed the cat and went home. My father had expected me there.

Tyson: *jumps shocked away* Your father did it to you?

The others look also shocked to know that Kai's father would do that to him.

Kai: *folds his arms* No!

That knocks Tyson and the others over.

Tyson: *lies on the floor* Kai you drive me crazy.

Kai: *enjoys it and continue* He yelled at me and I yelled at him. Then I went to my room, to the balcony, where Dranzer and Frost were.

Tyson: *sits up and looks up at him* The birds did it to you? Don't you dare to say "No".

Kai: *chuckles slyly* Nope!

Tyson: *growls annoyed, stands up and is about to jump at his friend* I will kill you! *is grabbed and pulled back by the tiger boy* Let me go, Ray. He loves it to drive me crazy!

Ray: *have to use his all strength to hold Tyson back* Calm down, buddy. Let him finish!

Tyson: *calms a little down but still growls at the phoenix boy* Fine!

Kai: *looks at his fingernails and cleans them on his shirt in his cool way* I told the birds about LDrago. The queen accepted me as her new master. She ordered Dranzer to stay in the nest and protect the egg. Dranzer looked very angry at me and pouted.

Tyson: *giggles* I would also be angry at you if you took my girl away. You womanizer!

Kai: *rolls the eyes and continues to tell* Then I went to the bathroom to shave.

Tyson: *looks with puppy eyes at him* Please, tell me that you cut yourself while shaving.

Kai: *rolls the eyes* Yes!

Tyson: *jumps happy up and down* Yeah, finally! *stops* But why you're so dirty?

Kai: *continues* I went to train in the forest.

Tyson: *smirks* Oh, you like the nature? Don't you?

Kai: *looks at him suspiciously* Yes, I like the nature.

Tyson: *smiles slyly and points to Kai from head to toe* After all that nature has done to you? *laughs* Hahahahahaha!

Kai: *growls* You little... *calms down and sighs* No, I'm too tired for that. What are you dong here, guys? I thought the girls will work today in the kitchen.

Ray, Tyson, Kenny and Daichi get nervous.

Tyson: *scratches the back of his head* Weeeeeeeell.........

Kai: *narrow the eyebrows and fear the worst* Don't tell me, that your girl...

Tyson: *smiles nervous* Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees...

Kai: *slaps his forehead and growls angry* Arrrgh.... Great, just great! Thank you, Hilary.

Tyson: *tries to protect Hilary and calm Kai down* Hey, she didn't do it in purpose.

Ray: *folds the arms* Alesia has the right to know it.

Kai: *lifts the hands for giving up* Ok, ok. Where is she now?

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceWhere stories live. Discover now