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I yawned as I entered the convinient store. I ordered a cup of coffee before sitting. I sleepily stared on it waiting for it to get warm.

I just woke up. Today's weekend and I just got to rest for the first time after an exhausting week.

I looked at the guys who just entered. They were bickering as they walk passed beside me. I knit my eyebrows as I tried to remember them. These two seems familiar...

"Aww!" I abruptly stood up after getting burnt. The coffee wobbled.

"Sorry!" They immediately went to me after accidentally shoving the coffee.

"Oh. Shoot. Sorry sorry." The tall guy asked for an icecube on the counter. He placed it on my arms where I got burnt.

I bit my lips as I felt it twinge.

"Do you want us to take you to the hospital? They can put a right treating on this so you won't get any scars." I was about to scorned off when someone suddenly interrupts.

My eyes almost went out of it sockets. The stingy feeling I got because of burnt suddenly didn't mattered.

He turned his gaze at me creating a confused look. My throat ran dry when I heard him spoke.

"What happened to you?"

Oh God. How much I've longed for that voice.

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