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He has a girlfriend... he has a girlfriend...

It kept echoing in my head.

Okay, to begin with he never said he was single and I never asked too.

I am wrong at that part, it only got worsened when I assumed that he was single.

Lesson learned, never assume.

I shut my eyes tight when my head starts to ache, but when I opened it again my heart starts to ache too..

"Good morning, maam sir!" One of our employee greeted the new customer that had arrived.

I looked at them, I saw how the girl clung at Namjoon. The girl got wavy and shiny hair, her long legs highlighting because of her short dress, she's got perfect curves on her body and man I just shut my eyes when my eyes landed on her boobs. It is big too!

I've never felt so insecure in my whole life, I just wanna delete my existence.

Namjoon looked at my way, our gaze locked. I was frozen.

His girlfriend took his attention and for once I let my tears stream down. I ran to my mother's office and cried for a minute. Thank God mother isn't here or else I am doom.

I exhaled and calmed myself, I checked myself in the mirror.

I've never seen myself looked so forlorn.

It's unbelievable how I can get hearbroken from a guy I have only met one week ago.

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