10. On the Move to Prove

Start from the beginning

"There definitely should be someone," Damien replied,
"We just have to find some evidence. The forensics show nothing. His phone is dry. He didn't have many contacts and his messages were also clean. He must have been deleting them frequently. We need to find out who he was selling the drugs to."

"Didn't he have many missed calls from a particular number on that day? Did they find out who that was?"

Damien shook his head, "It doesn't exist now. The person must've destroyed the SIM card. They don't run a drug business for getting caught."

"Do you think this is connected to the case the Chief told us about?" Paul asked with suspicion.

"I did think of that. But we can't know for sure." Damien let out, "This woman has something to do with this. Are you sure they're following her all day?"

"Yes!" Paul said loudly as he got a little disgruntled, "You're so obsessed with her." He muttered under his breath to himself.

"What's that?" Damien asked him as he leaned towards Paul, his eyebrows raised in challenge.

Paul laughed nervously as he shook his head vigorously, "Nothing."

"Let's see how well you've done your job!" Damien said with a smirk as he got up from his chair and fetched his car keys.

* * * * *

After she made the list of all the places she had to go to, Danny freshened up and quickly made her way out. She went towards her car at a brisk pace and got in and set the directions on her phone for the location.

As she drove towards the location, Danny couldn't help but wonder to herself as to why she was doing this. She knew that William was very clever and he would never give her places that gave away anything about the drug business. She felt foolish to even think she could find something by revisiting those places.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

You didn't know there was a meth lab at his place and now you're going after a clue. Ha, what are the odds?

The first few places she went to gave nothing but disappointment. There was not a single thing or someone to her use. As she drove, she felt weird. She felt like she was being watched and it made her insides churn a bit.

It's just your imagination, Dan.

Though Danny did not have a normal childhood and life, she never imagined herself being in such a situation. She was always sure to stay miles away from trouble even though somehow problems always found their way towards her.

Danny's mind wandered to what her life would have looked like if her parents were still alive and if Michael didn't make his way into their lives and this only made her tear up a little. Right after her father's death, Danny knew her life wouldn't be the same but she never deduced that her life would be with no one to turn to.

After around 20 minutes, she reached the place and stopped the car. There stood the same lonely warehouse with chipped off paint and broken windows as she remembered when she went to the place to give the parcel. William had instructed her to go in and hand the package to whoever there was inside. That thought only made her shudder.

She shook her head and calmed herself and got down the car. Danny made her way inside as she looked around to find someone but to no avail. The place looked deserted with no one around. She slowly opened the gate which made the creepy creeky noise. She walked towards the door and knocked on it but there was no answer. She waited for a few more seconds and pushed the door this time to which it opened ajar.

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