Chapter Nineteen: Liam

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Trigger warning: Hospital and accident scenes

I run down that same damn white polished floors, as my sneakers slip and slide along with me.
This summer has been unforgettable; in the worst way.
"How is she?" I ask, rounding the corner to the ER waiting area.
Samara's older sister gets up from one of the black chairs, — a whole row of them taken up by their younger siblings. She walks towards me, bouncing the baby on her hip, her glowing green eyes misty, her face all red and blotchy.
"She's s-stable," Evangeline says, as she moves closer to me, to make sure the kids don't see her crying. "She still hasn't woken up yet— but the doctor said they had to sedate her because-she-she um, she slammed into the steering wheel pretty hard and busted her nose up pretty good."
My heart starts pounding and my vision blurs. First we lost Taylor and now this? In less than a month? And I feel myself getting angry. Really angry because too much has happened to my friends. Too much for a lifetime. Too much for an eternity.

I clench my fists, my breathing gets shallow. The room starts spinning.
"I need, I need to sit down," I mumble
"Oh yeah, actually that would be great, do you mind sitting with the kids? My girlfriend's on her way to come get them, but my parents are visiting relatives out of province right now, so I really needa update them," she says, adjusting her hold on the baby and rushing off with her cellphone to her ear.

I sit in silence with four of Samara's younger siblings, silently thanking God that her sister took the baby with her. I'm not good with kids. It isn't too hard though— they're all gathered together watching a cartoon on a tablet. But then, one of Samara's little brothers pipes up and looks me right in the eye.
"Who are you?" he demands.
"I'm— uh I'm Liam— Samara's... friend." I stare down at my hands not knowing what else to say, but then he pipes up again.
"Did you know Taylor? Sami's friend, that went to Heaven?"
I gasp, taken aback by the question. I don't know what I believe, but I hope Taylor's in Heaven. I hope he's at peace. He better be.
"Uh- yeah-yes- he is-uh — was my best friend."
"Is Sami going to Heaven, too?" he asks, and all of the sudden all four of them look up at me, waiting for my answer. "No. No, not yet. Sami's gonna be fine," I tell them, "just fine." I hold my breath, hoping they won't ask anything else.
But to my relief, they go back to watching their screen.

"Who's ready to go for ice cream!" Who I'm assuming is Evangeline's girlfriend exclaims from across the room.
"Auntie Lydia!" one of Samara's sisters yells, throwing herself into Lydia's open arms.
Evangeline returns with the baby a few seconds later.
"Lyd, thank God you're here," she breathes, as Lydia puts the kid down and wraps Evangeline in a hug.
"She'll be okay," she says. And Evangeline nods, her body, trembling, struggles to support the baby. She adjusts her hold as they grab a seat.
"Okay well, I'll get these kiddos off your hands," Lydia says, grabbing the baby and motioning for the rest to follow.
"She'll be okay," Lydia says again, giving Evangeline a peck on the cheek.
"I know," she says softly. "She has to be."

Evangeline and I sit beside each other in silence as we wait to be updated. I want to say something, anything to break the silence. But I can't tell her Sam will be okay. It's a generic comment that won't help any more. Not right now.
"So— she uh— she was on her way to your house," Evangeline says, turning to me. "Or at least that's what it looks like, judging by where they found her."
"I'm sorry," I say automatically.
"No, Liam, I'm not blaming you. I know you had nothing to do with this— this has Samara's damn impulsivity written all over it.... I guess I- I guess I'm just thanking you, for being there for her— it's horrible, what happened and what you guys lost, but at least— I don't know— at least you have each other to get through it with. I really think she needs that, for you to be there, you know?"
I nod, trying not to tear up. "I need her too. God, I really, really, need her."
"I know," Evangeline says, grabbing my hand. "Me too."

"Excuse me," a nurse says a few minutes later, walking toward us.
"I'm looking for the family of Samara Jacobs."
"Y-yep," Evangeline shoots out of her seat faster than a lightning bolt. "I'm her sister."
"Ms. Jacobs is coming out of the sedation now, she's asking for an "Evie"— do you know who that is?"
"That's-uh, that's me!" Evangeline says, laughter and relief flooding her voice all at once.

"Ok um can— Liam, can you watch my stuff?"
"What are you still standing here for?" I smile, "don't keep Sam waiting. We all know how dangerous that can be."
"Right, right!" she smiles back. "I'll be back."
"I'll be here," I say, waving her off as she disappears with the nurse behind a glass door.

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