Natsu , my Prince.

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Natsu still sat there , totally confused and overwhelmed.
"She loves me .. She really does love me. And I love her.  But - what will I do now ? "


Lucy was really deep down in her "lovesickness" . She daydreamed about Natsu , about everything with him. She loves him so much , she couldn't stop help it crying , though she didn't want to.

In the guild they were all anxious how the results gonna be. They  hoped Natsu would make a step , they couldn't see them anode ignoring each other.


"Happy...I'm so - Sick.." , Natsu whispered to his blue cat. "I see , Natsu. You need Lucy's breast don't you ? " . He giggled trying to be funny.

"Stop being pervert. No really. What should I do ? " , Natsu asked tired.

"You should go to her  and just take her into your arms and just tell her how much you actually love her. I would do this with Charle and then - we'd - we'd. ..." "Eat fish . I know. !" , Natsu interuppted. "Maybe , I go to her this night. "


Lucy's POV

I don't know what is overcoming me , I just need to get out. I run to the hangers and grab my red coat and green scarf and hat.

Maybe a little walk will calm me down.

I walked a little through the streets and markets ( evening markets ) . Damn . I should have taken my money with me. They're selling sausages ..  I love them. but - Never mind.

I better go back.

Maybe I'll take the shortcut along the riverbank.

(10 minutes later )

I put my hands behind my head and I walk slowley but steadily , balancing on the border between the river and the street.

"Take care - Lucy-sama !" , I hear  two fishermen calling.

"Yes . yes !" I call back.

This cool wind is refreshing.

Haaah ... It feels good.  Let's take this day-end , relaxing.

xxxNormal pov xxxxx

Lucy walked still on the border. At the same time Natsu was looking if Lucy was there at her house. "Lucee !" , he called but no one answered. He climbed up the tree that led to her bathroom window . It was closed , which meant Lucy wasn't in the house.

Natsu thought hard . He sensed her smell on the pavement. He sniffed her sweet perfume and followed it.

Through the markets and onto the border wall.

He also walked on it , actually he ran , and he thought what he should say to Lucy when he saw her. Maybe Hey Luce ! I need to tell you ..- No . Weird. Yo Luceeee , I love you. No! Maybe .."

He didn't finish his thought because only 100 meters distance Lucy stood there , strugheling holding her balance and was about to slip.

"Luce !" , he yelled , sprinting towards her. She rudered and rowed with her arms , yet before there was a loud "splash" in the water , Someone held unto her hand. "Natsu !" , she gasped astonished , her tears flowing down her cheeks.

He pulled her up and carried her into his arms.

"Natsu- N-Natsu..." , she half whispered half sobbed. "Luce.."

Natsu pushed her back a little , managing to fix his warm eyes into her chocolate brown eyes.

"Luce..How could you ever think ..Luce ..." , Natsu whispered hoarse. "Luce , I - I love you."

As he said that , Lucy felt warm rough lips touching her lips. "Natsu ..." , she thought.

They kissed . I feel Happy. Natsu , Oh Natsu !!

"I love you Lucy , my little princess."

"I- I love you Natsu , my Prince.", Lucy looked up into his green eyes , which were shining like green stone in the sunlight.

"I love you . Luce ." , he said again, before lowering his head to kiss her once more.

*Authors Note *

Guys , I'm so wicked and bad I know. I was never kissed , So I dont have the slightest feeling for it , nor can I imagine it. Forgive please !

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